Chapter 295 Admirers

"I, I will probably blame you for not helping me." Tan Jiatong was even more embarrassed: "Everyone is selfish. Maybe I will selfishly blame you for not helping me, but I know that the current world is not If you extend a helping hand to whomever you want, they will really appreciate you, and maybe the people you have helped turn around and deal with you in the opposite direction. If you refuse to help me, it is actually reasonable."

Lu Nanqi raised her eyebrows slightly: "Since it's reasonable that I don't want to help you, let me say now that I don't want to help you."

Tan Jiatong puffed up her chest: "I already guessed that you would reject me, and I was already prepared to be rejected by you, don't worry, I am even more prepared to come back a few more times with a cheeky face, even if you scold me Shameless, I will not give up!"

She is not confident, but still sticks to her beliefs and decisions.

"Are you a fool?" Lu Nanqi couldn't help smiling: "There are many people in the base, and there is more than one powerful woman. Why don't you choose them?"

"But you are the most powerful of those women." Tan Jiatong's eyes were full of admiration: "You are courageous, strong, and the most handsome woman I have ever seen in my life! I hope that one day I can follow your lead Steps, become as powerful as you, to protect the people you want to protect, and kill the people you want to kill."

Murder came out of her mouth, such an understatement, it seemed to be as normal as killing chickens and ducks, without worldly entanglement and worldly vision.

Or, don't bother with it.

She is weak, but she lives more open-mindedly than anyone else.

The smile on Lu Nanqi's face deepened, "You said you were going to kill someone, how dare I take you?"

Before Tan Jiatong came here, he was always uncertain. Now, looking at the smile in Lu Nanqi's eyebrows, he didn't know where his confidence came from. Anyway, looking at her smile, he suddenly became more confident and laughed, "This morning! It is no longer the peaceful and prosperous world we used to be, human life, more often than not, is worth less than a bite of food, killing and eating, the former should be easier, and this kind of thing, I believe you, Seventh Sister, can understand it better. "

Lu Nanqi raised her eyebrows unrecognizably, "I seem to have met you for the first time, and it took less than 5 minutes. You call me Seventh Sister, don't you feel a little familiar?"

"People outside call you that, it's a kind of respect they have for you." Tan Jiatong took the initiative to take a step into the room with bright eyes, "Seventh sister, can I stay by your side now?"

Lu Nanqi stared at her in silence, his sharp eyes examined her from beginning to end.

Looking at it, Tan Jiatong was uncomfortable all over, as if being judged with his clothes stripped.

If a man looked at him like this, he might still think that the other party was fascinated by him.

But now it was a woman looking at him.

Tan Jiatong's face gradually became hot after being stared at. She wanted to look away, but found that she didn't have the courage to look away.

Lu Nanqi's eyes penetrated her chest, looking straight into the drunken depths of her heart.

Those eyes hooked her heart, making her whole heart shiver.

When she finally turned her eyes away, her heart also exploded with a "bang".

"You can stay." Lu Nanqi finally spoke in a soft voice.

Like a gust of wind blowing into Tan Jiatong's ears.

This seemingly inadvertent wind, but in Tan Jiatong's heart, shook a second muffled thunder, which shook her heart violently, and made her whole heart seem to live again, beating stronger and more powerfully.

"Thank you Seventh Sister!" Tan Jiatong bowed deeply, her voice was clear and resonant.

That is the hope that arises for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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