Chapter 307 Kill It
Can't wait for it to activate its psychic ability, she has already stabbed it straight in the head.

The spiritual zombie struggled a few times, but finally fell to the ground.

The gathered zombies spread out in an instant, and only those who were closer to her continued to attack her.

Without the worries of spiritual zombies, her slashing became easier.

She freed one hand and fired a smoke bomb into the air.

Not long after, thick smoke billowed from the other four places.

From the looks of it, they successfully set fire to the zombies and burned them to death.

Seeing the black clouds rising in the sky, she also stopped her movements. The knife in her hand prevented the zombies from approaching, and she raised the vine with one hand, and pulled away smoothly.

When she arrived at the meeting place, Lu Li and Meng Lun were already waiting there.

The other three adults were all safe and sound, only Liao Sponge, who was in a coma at the moment because of the attack of the spirit zombies.

There were bloodstains around his mouth, it seemed that he was seriously injured this time.

A child who just had a first-level ability had to deal with a zombie who had the same kind of ability but had grown up by two levels.

It was really embarrassing for him.

Lu Nanqi looked at him, his dark heart softened a little, "how's the sponge?"

"Don't worry, sister, I just treated him, and he's just in a coma for the time being, so there shouldn't be any serious problems," Lu Li said.

Meng Lun asked again, "The spirit zombie has been dealt with, should we hurry back now?"

"There are still a lot of zombies around. Now that the danger is gone, it's okay to go back. They're all here, so let's kill some more zombies along the way." Lu Nan said seven times, put away his knife, and walked forward.

I'm afraid that the people in the other four teams have the same idea as her, and no one will go back easily.

The result of the victory in the battle is that no matter how many crystal nuclei you lay down, they all belong to that team.

If you don't attract people with such conditions, how can someone voluntarily come out to fight.

As long as this fire burns out, they will have at least a thousand crystal nuclei, and no one will be willing to give up such a great opportunity to obtain crystal nuclei.

Even she is unwilling.

Because she needs the crystal nucleus so much, she needs and desires it more than anyone else!

Everyone has selfishness, and no one wants to be left behind in such a dark world.

She set up a route, attacking all the way to the left, and went around in a circle like this. After she killed all the zombies, she could return here again. By then, the fire was almost extinguished, and it was just right to collect the crystal nucleus again.

There were only five people in the team, plus Liao Sponge was in a coma, and he had to take care of him all the time.

The massacre along the way is destined to be long.

It took her about an hour and a half to sweep away the zombies along the route before completing half of the journey.

The place is too big and there are more zombies.

Their manpower is limited, and they are all tired in the back, and they are even more limited in hacking and killing.

Several people were disgraced, and another batch of zombies were killed, and they sat on the ground directly.

Wu Wenbin was wiping his sweat. He was the weakest among them. He was sitting on the ground with his hands shaking.

Because of the excessive movement of waving his hands, the muscles did not adapt, and his physical strength was weaker than ordinary people, so his whole face was pale at this time.

Lu Nanqi took out a few bottles of water from the space, and gave each of them a bottle, "Drink it all, it's good for your health."

The water in the river can quickly replenish physical strength, faster than those who have been given hormones to strengthen their effects.

"Did you put vitamins or something in the water?"

Meng Lun has always been curious about the source of the water, but Lu Nanqi has been unwilling to explain the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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