Chapter 308
Lu Nanqi naturally didn't want to tell, he just said: "It's just the drinking water you usually drink, what's so strange?"

"Every time I drink the water you give me, my body will be full of strength. If this is not the end of the world, I will wonder what weird potion you gave me." Meng Lun half joked.

"Then do you feel any difference between drinking this water and the drinking water we usually drink?"

"Aside from being sweeter, and being able to quickly restore the body's strength, there is nothing strange about it." Meng Lun answered seriously.

Lu Nanqi also raised his head to drink water, "That's it, it's just a sip of water, why did you give birth to so many strange things, it's because you admire me so much, don't worry, my ability, if I have a chance in the future, I will teach you slowly."

Wu Wenbin looked at her with some surprise, and light gradually appeared in his eyes, "You plan to teach us skills, really?"

Since she wanted to lead them and train them to be the most capable subordinates, she naturally had to train them well, but there was no Wu Wenbin in this selection.

If you draw him in, he may be faithful to her, but there are too many troubles behind him, and inviting him is tantamount to bringing his troubles along.

He's not bad, but he doesn't meet her selection criteria.

Meng Lun pondered her thoughts, "Are you planning to start leading the team?"

"I've thought about it, but I haven't decided yet," Lu Nanqi said.

"It's good to lead the team." Meng Lun sincerely suggested, "The zombies are getting more and more powerful now, and any kind of monster can evolve. It is always unrealistic to act alone. No matter how powerful a person is, his power is limited. People are supposed to support each other."

"I only bring people without family members." Lu Nanqi said, this is a problem she has considered deeply. People without family members have less worries, and will not be affected by personal emotional factors at critical moments, and they will not be affected when forming a team Bring more trouble to the team.

She has always liked being straightforward.

Half of these words were said to Wu Wenbin.

He has a family, and that family is still difficult to deal with. To refuse him to join is to refuse troublesome approach.

Wu Wenbin lowered his head with a disappointed expression.

Meng Lun pressed his shoulder to comfort him silently, and then asked Lu Nanqi, "When did you decide? When do you plan to start leading people?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Lu Nanqi paused for a while, and then continued: "No rush, let's settle the matter before us first."

Several people rested on the ground for a while, then got up and continued to set off. The crystal nuclei they hit in each game were distributed on the spot.

She has never liked troublesome things, and the most annoying thing is that others say it is unfair. This is also the key problem of her hesitation in forming a team.

Now that you have decided to lead the team, you must be prepared to be the captain.

It's not just about leading the team.

Life and death in each mission will be a problem for the captain.

Be trusted, or be questioned.

And this was the last thing she wanted to see deep down in her heart.

It was not too late for the five of them to set off, and Liao Sponge woke up. His face was a little pale, but he was fine, and his consciousness was still good.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she said was, "Where is Seventh Sister?"

"Don't worry, Seventh Sister is fine." Meng Lun said, putting him on the ground, "Do you still feel uncomfortable?"

Liao Sponge shook his head.

Meng Lun reminded, "If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell me, I will call you Lu Li."

"I'm fine." Liao Sponge said firmly, "The spirit zombie, killed?"

(End of this chapter)

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