Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 310 An accident at the base!

Chapter 310 An accident at the base!

Du Bing's voice was broken and painful, "It's impossible to estimate. Many of the brothers on the wall have fallen. The zombies have controlled the people in the base."

At this point, the contact was interrupted again.

Lu Nanqi flicked off the walkie-talkie, his lips pursed into a line.

Meng Lun also frowned, "Why are there still spiritual zombies, haven't we already killed them?"

"The gang." Lu Nanqi said.

Meng Lun already understood that, like the last crawler, there was more than one, "Then what should we do now?"

"Go back to the base first!" Lu Nanqi's face was frosty, what else could he do, other than rushing back to the base and killing the spirit zombie together, what else could he do.She said: "Try to contact the other four groups and let them rush back to the base as soon as possible!"

The car rushed back to the base like an arrow and wind.

Almost the same as last night, countless zombies besieged outside the base.

It is impossible for them to enter the base at all, unless they have the ability to step on the corpses of zombies.

This is naturally a dream.

"I can't get in!" Wu Wenbin lay on the car window, observing the situation outside, and was startled by the dense crowd of zombies in front of him.

Yesterday it was in the base, protected by a wall, today it was behind the zombies, if one was not careful, it would be eaten by the zombies.

Thinking of this, his face became even paler, "What can I do, there are too many zombies."

Lu Nanqi opened the door to get out of the car and climbed onto the roof.

Standing on a high place, you can see the situation at the base more clearly.

The zombies gathered in a pile, no longer hitting the wall, but hitting the door.

Although the gate was made of iron, it still showed signs of loosening under the persistent impact of so many zombies.

No one is attacking or defending on the wall.

Not a single person!

In all directions, there are the neighing of zombies.

The war seems to be over, humans have failed, just wait for these zombies to break through the door and eat up the people inside.

"Follow me!" Lu Nanqi jumped off the roof of the car and went up to the residential building last night.

Standing on the top of the building and looking down, you can clearly see fireworks going around the perimeter of the base.

Thick smoke covered the base, and only the scenery inside the base could be vaguely seen.

There were people screaming and running, and things weren't looking good.

"No one answered you, how did you get there?" Meng Lun was worried.

Lu Li also disagreed, "Sister, the surrounding wall is full of fire, you can't get in at all."

"How will you know if you don't try it?" Lu Nanqi stood on the edge of the roof and stretched out a vine towards the opposite wall.

The fire below burned the wall hot.

Her vines were entangled on it, and within a short while, it was burnt.

"Look, this method won't work, it's too risky." Meng Lun stopped, "Let's think about other ways, there must be other ways to get in."

"By the time you think about it, those zombies have already successfully breached the gate." She tugged at the vine, making sure it would not break, and then slowly jumped back, with the help of running, in the midst of their worries. In his eyes, he jumped down.

The four of them poked their heads down from the roof, watching her plummeting body, their worries gradually turned into panic.

Liao Sponge held Meng Lun's hand tightly, his eyes widened in shock.

Meng Lun had no expression on his face, but the hand he held with Liao Sponge was clenched until his fingers turned white.

A heart, at the moment she jumped, also fell thousands of feet, as if falling into the abyss of a bottomless pit, ethereal and terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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