Chapter 311 Dangerous
The hot wall burns her vines.

The original green vine was quickly burnt black, and the strength of the vine wrapped around the wall gradually softened.

Her body fell too fast, such a fast speed, but still could not allow her to safely return to the wall before the vines broke.

Leaping across the air, the vine suddenly broke.

She descended rapidly, and quickly sacrificed a new vine, and when her body fell on top of the zombie's head, she stabilized her posture in time.

At this time, there is still at least five meters away from the wall.

Without thinking or hesitating, she stepped on the zombie's head and rushed towards the wall with the help of the vines.

And the dense crowd of zombies discovered her existence precisely because of her action.

They get excited and reach out their hands upwards.

She used them to leap into the air, and the third vine was thrown out, using this new strength to lift her body.

A zombie below suddenly grabbed her foot.

She turned around in the air, and a sniper rifle flew out of the air, and a shot crashed into its forehead.

The gun had great stamina, and the moment the bullet was fired, her body also flew backwards for a long distance.

Swinging in the air for a while, his thin body directly hit the hot wall.

The vine in his hand also broke at this moment.

Her body slid down in an instant.

The billowing flames burned all her clothes and scalded into her skin, and the fire under the wall had already burned to the bottom of her feet.

Seeing that she was about to fall into the fire, the dagger emerged from her hands, pierced into the wall, and barely fixed her body.

The hot wall has been ironed into her skin.

She could even smell the meat burning.

"Hmm..." She groaned in pain, using the dagger to climb up one by one.

The flames under her feet had already burned her trousers.

She couldn't take care of it, so she could only continue to climb up desperately.

Because those zombies that were hitting the gate suddenly changed direction and all turned to attack her.

Even disregarding the power of the fire to burn them to death, they still rushed forward, using their bodies to make a way for the zombies behind to climb up.

She gritted her teeth, endured the excruciating pain in her body, and continued to move forward trembling.

Just a little more effort to reach out and she'll be able to climb up.

But at this moment, the kind of knife-like pain suddenly drilled into her mind.

That spiritual zombie discovered her existence!

"Hmm..." There was another muffled groan, and her foot slid down.

The zombies below grabbed her ankles as hard as they could.

That force hit her brain, making her unconscious.

She could only rely on the remaining poor consciousness, tightly holding the dagger stuck in the wall, not to let her body fall; relying on the pain of her body being scorched, to keep her consciousness clear.

Gunshots rang out nearby, and she regained half of her consciousness and looked over there.

It was Meng Lun who was on the roof, shooting at her, trying to drive away the zombies for her.

It's just that the disgust around her was too strong. They were afraid of hitting her, so they didn't dare to shoot the bullet too close.

Their help could not lessen her danger.

That force drilled into her brain even harder, and when her mind buzzed, no sound in her ears disappeared.

Eyelids drooped, and one could see zombies falling down in the sea of ​​zombies, one, two... then ten, twenty... Immediately afterwards, more and more zombies fell.

When did Meng Lun's firepower become so powerful?
(End of this chapter)

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