Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 334 What is the number of people who die in the last days?

Chapter 334 What is the number of people who die in the last days?
Lu Nanqi pondered for a moment, "It's getting dark, everyone should go back quickly, there's nothing to do, so don't come out and wander around casually."

The biggest danger has been settled, and the threat in the base is now only the infirmary.

As expected, there must be something wrong there.

So many people were infected yesterday, even if only half of them turned into zombies, it would be enough for them to keep busy.

Not to mention, among the 100 people who were bitten by zombies, only about 30 survived.

Even less than this.

And among these 30 people, there may only be a few who can be promoted to supernatural powers.

Passing through the infirmary, it was pitch black and there was no one there.

Meng Lun took a few steps forward and lingered in front of the infirmary, "It looks like someone has robbed the inside, something must have happened."

There are bloodstains on the ground that will not be cleaned up in the future.

"Could it be that someone was bitten? But even if someone was bitten, it doesn't make sense that no one is there." Wu Wenbin said, his thoughts froze, thinking of yesterday's massacre, thinking of the wounded in the room, his face suddenly changed. white.

Most of the people who will stay in the infirmary are ordinary people.

When facing zombies, there is definitely no backhand ability.

Those wounded turned into zombies with infinite power.

Facing them, ordinary people are terrified, and the ending can be imagined
He exclaimed, "These people wouldn't be..."

He dared not say what he said later, for fear that what he said would become true.

Meng Lun continued his analysis, "Could they all be dead? There are traces of fighting in the room, and there are bloodstains everywhere, which shows that our guess is also close to ten."

Even if not all of them died, but probably almost died, and there will not be many people left.

Lu Nanqi's eyes were on the ground, he turned around coolly, then retracted, and continued to walk forward.

Wu Wenbin rushed to catch up, "Should we find Brother Huo and the others to find out about the situation?"

"What does it matter how many people die in the last days?" Lu Nanqi looked back at him, and suddenly said, "Your family members are also in this infirmary?"

Wu Wenbin nodded, and quickly shook his head vigorously, "No, I just want to understand the situation, nothing else."

"I remember you have a family, right?" Lu Nanqi asked.

Wu Wenbin didn't know why she suddenly brought this up, and felt very nervous, wanting to say no, but afraid that she would find out she was lying.

At that time, when she got angry, she would drive him away, and then he would become a person with nowhere to go.

But he didn't want to tell her the truth.

I'm afraid that I still won't be able to escape her driving.

For a while, Wu Wenbin only looked at her pursing her lips, hesitating and daring not to speak.

"They, they probably died too."

It took him a while to say this, and his gaze slowly fell towards the direction of the infirmary.

"Very good." Lu Nanqi said: "Let's all go back and lock the doors and windows tonight.

"Huh?" Wu Wenbin couldn't react.

What is good?

The base is dead, will she still feel good?
"Wu Wenbin, remember, human life is the most worthless in this world, and don't feel sorry for one or two lackeys who abuse you, because it's not worth it." Lu Nanqi looked serious, "My Lu Nanqi's people, life is worthless." No matter how cheap and weak, but even if it is death, you must die with dignity, and you would rather die on the battlefield than be tortured to death by those who bully you."

This surprise came as a surprise.

Wu Wenbin was silent for a while, then suddenly excited, "Seventh sister, so I'm also in the team now, right?"

He was eager to seek proof.

Meng Lun laughed beside him, "Are you stupid or not? Seventh Sister has said so, so it must be true."

"That's great." Wu Wenbin's heart was full of enthusiasm, and his eyes were slightly red with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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