Chapter 335 He Is Dormant
After Wu Wenbin returned to his residence first, Meng Lun accompanied Lu Nan back to his residence seven times.

He was a little confused, and asked out his doubts, "Didn't you say that only those who act alone are accepted, so why did you let Wu Wenbin join the team?"

Of course, he didn't mean anything else, but he couldn't understand her criteria for selecting candidates.

"Although Wu Wenbin seems weak and has family members by his side, he is also a stepmother and indifferent father who take pleasure in bullying him all day long. Such a family will become depressed after staying for a long time. His temper is caused by his family. , but that doesn’t mean he’s really useless.”

Lu Nanqi carefully analyzed it to him, "He fought us a few times, although he was scared to death the first time, but when he actually fought, his fighting ability was good for an ordinary person, but he lacked experience. After the second time and the third time, he started to fight, already handy.

He is a person who is good at hiding, but his weakness makes him ignore this point.A person with strong learning ability and determination to improve will not be too bad.

Also, although what he awakened was an earth-type supernatural power, among the tens of thousands of people in this huge base, no matter what supernatural power it is, it is worthy of the envy of ordinary people.

And he didn't immediately take revenge on those ordinary people, even those who bullied him, because of the awakening ability.

I asked him if he had any family members, and he shook his head unwilling to admit it.In other words, he has hatred for those family members.

What is the reason for a man who hates his family and leaves his family behind? Could it be that he still has feelings for that family? "

"It would be too cheap to kill them directly." Meng Lun followed her words, "He is dormant, and he wants to slowly return all the pain he has suffered in the past to his family, until they have suffered a lot, until they are in Kneeling in front of him and begging for mercy, then he will take care of them... He just asked about the situation in the infirmary. It was his family members who were really there, but he didn't care about it. He just thought it was worthless for them to die like that...Because he My revenge has not been avenged!"

Analyzing this, Meng Lun was startled.

Such a seemingly inconspicuous man has so many thoughts.

"It's not necessarily killing, it's inevitable to want to torture and go back." Lu Nanqi said: "Massacre will make people cold-blooded. Given time, he will have such thoughts."

After hearing these words, Meng Lun not only did not clear up his doubts, but became even more confused, "Since he is such a person, why do you still accept him?"

"A person with a city is not scary, what is scary is the darkness of people's hearts." Lu Nanqi smiled, "Although he has a city, he is not irrational, otherwise, he would have killed his family a long time ago. That day In the supermarket that cleaned the shopping center, I just gave him a piece of food, and he has been grateful until now, a person who knows how to repay his kindness, no matter how bad his heart is, he will not be so bad."

Meng Lun finally understood, "You can always observe people so carefully."

"When the mind is calm, the eyes are clear." Lu Nanqi was quite emotional, "If you think too much, you will inevitably see farther than others."

A person who has a similar experience to her, how can she not notice.

He is dormant, and when the time is right, he will explode again.

It's just that the state of mind is still vague and has not completely taken root in his heart.

That's why he is still so hesitant when it comes to making decisions.

Since he needs it, why not give her a push?

(End of this chapter)

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