Chapter 336 Breakthrough Level
After returning, Lu Nanqi gave Liao Sponge and Lu Li the crystal nucleus in the backpack.

Before the three of them came back, they had already absorbed the crystal nucleus on the spot, and what they brought back was only for Liao Sponge and Lu Li.

So in their view, there will be so few.

Human beings are jealous, and they have existed since ancient times, so how could she foolishly put everything on the bright side.

"Seventh Sister, are these really mine?" Liao Sponge was very excited. He had never seen so many crystal nuclei, let alone these crystal nuclei belonged to him.

"Everyone deserves their share. If you contribute, of course these are all yours.}" Lu Nanqi said: "Don't keep them, absorb them all at once to help you break through the supernatural level."

"What about you, Seventh Sister?" Liao Sponge asked, but she didn't see any other backpacks on her body, and she didn't see any abilities in her hands. "You didn't give us the remaining crystal cores, did you?"

"I'm not such a kind person." Lu Nanqi laughed, "I've already used up when I was outside, don't worry, I won't take advantage of others first."

Liao Sponge hesitated for a moment, "Seventh Sister, I'm too weak, and it's a waste to use so many crystal cores. Why don't I use them all for you. I think if your wood system is upgraded again, it will definitely be even better."

"When will I need you, a brat, to worry?" Lu Nanqi raised his hand and slapped him on the forehead, feeling a little helpless, "Absorb your own crystal nucleus well, don't talk so much nonsense."

As she said that, she took out the spiritual core of the spiritual zombie from the pile of crystal nuclei, and reminded, "Absorb the other crystal nuclei first, and then absorb this one last."

The crystal nucleus is pure and flawless, translucent without a trace of impurities.

When Lu Nanqi took out the crystal nucleus, he noticed this one.

Placed in the pile of crystal nuclei, it is the most eye-catching.

"It turns out that this is the spiritual core, it's so beautiful." Liao Sponge reached over, couldn't help being attracted by it, and just wanted to have it right away.

This is the charm of the same attribute.

Same-sex attracts.

When Lu Nanqi saw the wood-type crystal nucleus for the first time, he was also tempted in this way, and then absorbed the wood-type crystal nucleus without thinking about it, without letting it play a real role.

However, that was a matter of a previous life.

She took back the spiritual core again, and kept Liao Sponge from touching it, and said, "Forget it, you'd better absorb the other crystal cores first, and I'll get you the other spiritual core, and use them together at that time."

"Sister, with so many crystal cores, how many levels can you advance?" Lu Li asked curiously.

He has been in the end of the world for so long, and he is only at the first level. He usually consumes a lot of energy and has a large demand for crystal nuclei.

Those who advanced later than him have already advanced to the first level.

But he is still at the first level.

I'm really afraid that when others are promoted to the fifth and sixth levels in the future, he will still be at the second and third levels.

With so many crystal nuclei at one time this time, this problem should not happen.

"It's so easy for you to advance, you can advance if you want?" Lu Nanqi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

They are still too naive. After all, they have never experienced anything, and they always like to think about the good side.

She explained: "The further you go, the more difficult it will be to advance your abilities. Your current abilities are only at the first level. It is naturally easier to climb from the lowest level, but the higher you climb, the more difficult it will be. It will be harder later on.

Liao Sponge then said, "I know, just like the characters in the game, it's easy to level up, but no matter how hard you spend later, you just can't level up. It's the same reason."

"In layman's terms, that's it."

(End of this chapter)

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