Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 383 I will accompany you to the end, never leave

Chapter 383 I will accompany you to the end, never leave

I am used to seeing her decisive killings and her heroic fighting skills.

For such an indifferent person, it was impossible to imagine that there would be something on her mind that would make her sad.

It guessed that even if she was the only one left in the whole world, she would not be able to learn what heartache is.

Now that she is really depressed, it makes her heartbroken and she doesn't know how to comfort her.

It was fluctuating in his heart, and Lu Nanqi noticed it all at once, and all the emotions in his heart stopped abruptly.

She looked down at it: didn't sleep?
The little goblin shook her body, and slipped into her arms again: she fell asleep, just woke up.

She insisted: You see what I think?

The little demon carefully concealed the truth, but she had no choice but to tell the truth: she only knew a little bit, but not everything.

Seeing her silent, it took the initiative again: Actually, when you are upset, it is not a bad thing to find someone to talk to.

She laughed secretly: Looking for a cat to tell you about your thoughts?
The little goblin snorted dissatisfied: Although I am a cat, my mind is not as childish as yours. If you want, you can of course find me to linger in your depression.

She smiled bitterly: I don't have any depression, it's just a moment of emotion.

The goblin's head rests on her palm: You are confused in your heart, confused about the way ahead, you are tired, you don't want to live such a life.
She felt even more bitter: whoever wants such a life, who doesn't want to return to the peaceful and prosperous age, but everyone knows that it is impossible.

As if influenced by her mood, the little fairy sighed slightly: The road of one person is always tiring, and it may take ten trips to fill a tank by climbing mountains and carrying water by one person, but if ten people climb mountains and carry water to fill a tank A tank may be solved with only one journey. As long as you try to say what you want, I believe that many people will be willing to do it for you. Many times, many things are just a matter of one sentence. It's just that people are too ashamed to speak, and often make a simple thing more difficult.Lu Nanqi, you said that the world wants to become stronger, and human beings want to go on. Only by uniting can we overcome difficulties. Everyone is afraid and timid, and there must be someone who stands up and takes the lead.Then this person is up to you.

She even sighed deeply: All I want is a piece of peace, a quiet home, but you want to push me into the fire pit.

The little goblin is very serious: since it is a home, it should be guarded by myself.

She lowered her head again, looking at the small ball in the palm of her hand, which could be crushed to death by her at any time, and gently covered its ears with the other hand, pulling and pulling: Are you trying to comfort me?
It said: Even if it is a volcano, I will dance with you. In this life, I will accompany you to the end and never leave.

Her heart moved, and she couldn't help feeling a little sour.

So what if the road ahead is uncertain, she already has a group of close friends by her side, partners who accompany her through life and death.

Her path is not alone, it is enough to have them, and there is nothing to fear and hesitate.

"Okay, let's walk the future together." She smiled suddenly, and all the depression disappeared.

She made a sudden noise, startling several people in the car.

Meng Lun turned his head to look at her, and for a moment he didn't understand what she was saying, so he couldn't help saying, "What?"

But seeing that her tightly locked brows had been loosened, the stone she had been holding in her heart also fell down.

Lu Nanqi smiled slightly, and said seriously: "Let's walk together in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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