Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 384 As long as you are here

Chapter 384 As long as you are here
"As long as you are here, I will follow you all the way to the end." Meng Lun was serious.

The people in the back seat also followed suit, "Yes, as long as you are here, we will always be here."

Lu Nanqi was deeply moved.


It was already daytime when several cars drove back to the base. After passing all the inspections in front of the gate, they went back to their respective residences.

Tired all day, it is necessary to take a good rest.

She went back to the villa, took out a few fish that she opened with the fishing net for the second time, handed them to Mingshu, and then went into her room.

But not long after, someone knocked on the door, it was Chen Xiaobao, who said that Huo Ping was looking for her.

"Look for me, did you tell me what it is?" she asked.

Chen Xiaobao shook his head, "I don't know, he just said to wait for you outside."

Lu Nanqi hesitated for a moment, but finally went out to meet the appointment.

It's not good to avoid seeing her all the time, lest he say that she is deliberately sorting out the relationship with him, and becomes 300 taels of money here.

When she went out, Huo Ping had been standing at the door for a long time, with silver and white lights on his shoulders.

It was snowing.

This November has not yet passed, and the weather is already so cold. In the days to come, the ordinary people in the base think it will be even more difficult.

She thought for a while, then walked up to him, "Since you are looking for me, you can go up directly, why wait here."

"It's snowing, let me tell you something, and I'll take you out to see the snow along the way. In our place, we never had the chance to see snow in the past, and even less so in your former C city. This is a rare surprise." Scene." He said, walking out slowly, his tone was light, and there was a taste of joy in bitterness.

Seeing that he had already left, she had no choice but to follow his footsteps, "No, before, if I wanted to see a real snow, I had to make a special trip to the north. Took me to BJ, and it turned out to be in BJ, and I was so cold that I couldn't wait to come back."

When it comes to the past, it is inevitable to talk more.

"You went out this day, unexpectedly you became much more cheerful." Huo Ping said with a slight smile.

"No matter how bad life is, you have to work hard to live." She sighed, reaching out to catch the snowflakes flying down from the sky, "Beautiful things always have to pay a lot of money to get them. When will it go down?"

"Are you worried about the people at the base?"

"I also live in the base. The base is not easy, and we certainly won't have a good time. It sounds good to be worried about the base, but it is ugly. Everyone is actually just thinking about themselves."

Huo Ping said: "Actually, we already have countermeasures. Although the base encountered a wave of zombies this time and suffered heavy casualties, because of this extermination, the zombies in the entire city have almost been wiped out by us. Therefore, the base plans to Clean up the whole city thoroughly. Before dawn, other people in the base who don't have a house can move in after the cleanup is finished. Then this winter, at least no one will be worried about freezing to death. "

This is indeed a good way.

The problem of accommodation is solved, but what about food?
The most important thing should be this.

If all the food in the whole city is searched out, it may not be able to last a winter.

And this winter lasted for half a year.

Thinking of this, her brows could not be stretched, "You came to me just to say this?"

(End of this chapter)

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