Chapter 401 I will bear it alone

He always wanted to persevere and endure, but he never really thought about the coping strategy.

After living most of his life, to this day, he was actually evaluated like this by a little girl.

A soldier's title...

That's right, it was indeed very important to him, so important that he forgot the responsibilities and attitudes he should have as a soldier.

Huo Zhonglin suddenly softened his body, and slumped in the chair in frustration, feeling extremely ashamed in his whole body and mind.

Huo Ping said: "Dad, I will shoulder all the responsibilities, and I will bear all the consequences alone!"

Huo Zhonglin gave a wry smile, he was really not as good as his own son.

"Well, things have already happened, no matter how much I try to stop them, what's the point, you can do whatever you want," he sighed slightly, waving at the few of them, "Go out, let me be alone Quiet."

Several people met each other at a glance, and all filed out.

Du Bing said worriedly, "Is it alright for the leader to let him in here alone?"

"What's the matter, you underestimate him too much." Jia Baihang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, we still have a lot to do, so why worry about some problems that won't happen here, Why don't we take advantage of this time to do more things. Isn't our success the best reward for him?"

Du Bing sighed, "That's right, but it's really too much for us to tie up the leader this time. When this matter is over, hey, we will have more troubles to suffer."

Jia Baihang sighed even more, "That's right, it's thankless."

The two hooked their shoulders together, sighed at each other and left.

Lu Nanqi closed his eyes and turned to look at Huo Ping.

He punched Huo Zhonglin several times on the back, and the corners of his mouth were not only bleeding, but also swollen.

She took a look, took out the medicine for the abrasion from the space, and handed it to him, "Wipe it, it will reduce the swelling."

Huo Ping smiled softly, "If I had known this kind of benefit, I would have asked him to hit me a few more times to make my injury worse. Maybe I would be bedridden and still receive your personal care."

"Have you always been so unprincipled? If not, then I'll put it away." She said, making a gesture to take the medicine back into space.

Huo Ping grabbed her wrist, "Don't, just kidding, I find you are really boring, you can't even make a joke, fortunately no one is with you, otherwise you will be boring to death."

"It's good to know, so don't like me, otherwise you will die of boredom and become the most bizarre way of death in history."

"It's okay, I'm also a person who doesn't like to talk, we get together, it's just right, we all say we are like-minded."

"That doesn't seem to be suitable for use here." Lu Nanqi rolled his eyes slightly.

Huo Ping took the medicine and happily said, "Let's go, while it's still early, let's go to the warehouse, we still need food tomorrow, maybe we can use this to lure that house thief out."

The two walked side by side to the warehouse.

It was late at night, and the base where the personnel were sent out became more silent than before, and the surroundings were quiet, only the sound of their footsteps could be heard.

In the snowy night, you can't see those beautiful stars, and you can only see the endless darkness.

It seemed that even the moonlight had disappeared.

"The snow is falling more and more." She suddenly sighed.

Huo Ping looked at her side face calmly, a little sad, "What are you worried about?"

"The snow won't stop." Her voice was very low, as if she was just talking to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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