Chapter 402 I Believe
Because no one will believe her words.

Huo Ping looked at her with a serious expression, "How long will it last?"

She turned to look at him, a little surprised, "Do you believe me?"

He smiled and asked, "Why don't you believe me?"

"I've said a lot, but no one believed it."

"I believe." His eyes were dark and deep, piercing through her eyes and falling to the tip of her heart.

In the night, she seemed to see the stars.

"You are such a strange man." She couldn't help but smile, turned around and continued walking forward.

His eyes still fell on her side face, "You are also a strange woman."

In his life, the first woman who caught his attention.

The two had already reached the door of the warehouse, and the conversation stopped. Huo Ping opened the door and let her in first. Lu Nanqi was not polite, took a flashlight and turned into the room.

The warehouse was empty, there was nothing left, only a piece of ground under his feet.

No, to be precise, there is another note.

The note was lying in the middle of the open space, a very eye-catching position.

Lu Nanqi couldn't help laughing, "This thief is interesting. He steals people's things and even leaves a note for them."

Huo Ping said, "The note is actually for you."

"Mine?" Lu Nanqi was taken aback, walked over there, and picked up the note.

There was a paragraph of very delicate lowercase characters on it, and she arrogantly posted a battle post to her: I heard that you also have space abilities, why don't we compare and see who has more space and who has more space, next time When we meet, it's when I explode your space, so, be careful, the next time you see me, it's when you go west.

"Heh..." She couldn't laugh or cry, "I didn't expect that one day, I would be threatened by someone."

"Why, are you afraid?" Huo Ping curled his lips, "Don't worry, no matter what, I will always be behind you."

"Yeah, I'm so scared." Lu Nanqi couldn't help but laugh, "Since this person is here for me, it's easier to handle. You can directly spread the news about my coming to the warehouse tomorrow. I think this person They will definitely come running to find me impatiently.”

"Okay, you can do whatever you say."

Lu Nanqi couldn't help looking at him, "It's not that you are going to meet that person, why do you look more confident than me?"

"That's because I believe in you."

"You are the most talking man I have ever seen." She smiled, put away the post, and then put another pile of food on the ground.

They are all flour and rice, the most needed things for the base.

No matter how calm Huo Ping was, he couldn't help being surprised to see her conjure so many things at once, "You can always surprise me."

"Sincerity is what people talk about, don't let me down." She said, patted her flour-stained hands, "Let's go."

The two left the warehouse, and Huo Ping sent her back. At the gate of the villa, he suddenly grabbed her and asked, "What do you mean by snowing before? How long will it snow?"

Lu Nanqi looked at him silently for a moment, lowered his head in a deep breath, and shook his head slowly, "I can't confirm the exact time, but at least for more than a month, the snow covered the ground, many houses were covered, and the trees froze to death. Food is scarce, and even the zombies shrink back and stop moving out, but human beings still die one after another, one after another..."

Huo Ping shook her cold hand, "Natural disasters and man-made disasters are all God's will, and no one can avoid them. We have worked hard. When we look back in the future, we will not let ourselves regret it. This is enough. Don't think too much, what's the matter?" , the base will think of a way.”

"Yeah." Her voice was very low, and the corners of her mouth were pulled up, even without a smile, "Go back, I'm fine." She urged, and went into the room first and closed the door.

In the end, she still couldn't really trust him, and couldn't reveal her true heart to him.

(End of this chapter)

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