Chapter 403 Walking on Thin Ice
This natural disaster will last for half a year. The heavy snow fell for two full months. All the plants were frozen to death. The university piled up more than two meters high. The whole world became a snow castle, and the roads were completely covered. Humans can only walk or drive on ice.

In many cases, a sudden depression, life is gone.

Truly walking on eggshells.

Everyone lives in fear.

And two months later, although the snow stopped, the temperature did not rise at all, the sun in the sky disappeared, and without sunlight, the whole world was completely plunged into the North Pole.

A large number of people were frozen to death and starved to death, while the living could only watch helplessly, there was nothing they could do.

When human beings were at their weakest, all kinds of zombies and mutant beasts came to attack again, making the situation even worse.

However, this finally brought hope to mankind.

The mutated beasts provided them with food, allowing the dying humans to survive.

In this way, I worked hard until half a year later.

Suddenly one day, the sun rose, scorching the earth with scorching heat, and instantly melted the ice that had been accumulated for half a year.

Human beings have not yet begun to rejoice, many places have been submerged by melted snow, those zombies that were frozen under the snow reappeared, those zombies that had been lurking underground for half a year grew crazily, crazily The destruction of the human homeland...

Round after round of disasters came one after another... Broad bean

Lu Nanqi stood at the door, recalling everything in his previous life, with a pale and ugly expression.

And such a terrifying world is about to come, and she has to experience it again in this life.

If, in this life, all preparations are made in advance, then when everything comes, will everything change, and everything will not be as bad as in the previous life?
She was thinking wildly, until the people in the room walked towards her, and she eased her thoughts.

"Seventh sister, what's wrong with you, are you sick? Why does your face look so bad?" Chen Xiaobao came over and shook her hand lightly.

With a momentary touch, many scenes flashed in front of my eyes.

The world's five elements alternate, water and fire alternate, all vegetation is destroyed, and there is no life on the ground...

Lives are everywhere...

Just as Lu Nanqi turned back to his thoughts, he was unprepared, and Chen Xiaobao took a look at his thoughts.

She was startled, and hurriedly withdrew her hand, but it was still a step too late. Chen Xiaobao stared at her with frightened eyes, and asked, "Seventh sister, is this true? Everything I see is true." Really, our world, our homeland... no matter how hard we try, in the end, we still cannot escape the catastrophe?"

Lu Nanqi pursed his lips tightly, looked down at her desperate struggle, and remained silent.

Chen Xiaobao took two steps back excitedly, "It's not like this. The last time I saw it, it was clearly the scene of Seventh Sister saving everyone. It's so beautiful. It's impossible for such a thing to happen. Seventh Sister, tell me , the scenery I saw just now, everything is fake, right!"

A group of people who were waiting for Lu Nanqi to come back for dinner ran out one after another when they heard the noise.

"Why are you so excited all of a sudden? What's the matter with you two? Your face is paler than the other..." Meng Lun was the first to rush over, a little startled by the expressions of the two of you.

Compared with Lu Nanqi's expression, Chen Xiaobao's bloodless white is more frightening.

(End of this chapter)

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