Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 404 Natural disasters, man-made disasters, death...

Chapter 404 Natural disasters, man-made disasters, death...

Chen Xiaochen squeezed to the side of the child, and patted her on the back comfortingly, "Don't get excited, my brother will help you to find out what's going on, please calm down and calm down, okay, don't cry..."

His whole heart hangs with her, fearing that she will have another heart attack.

"I'm not sick, my heart disease has been cured a long time ago, and those medicines for heart disease have been secretly thrown away by me. After such a long time, when did you see me have another attack? I'm really fine, so now you Go away, don't bother me, I have more important things!" Chen Xiaobao swung Chen Xiaochen's hand on her back with a palm, almost impatiently.

Her palm touched his arm, and another scene flashed. In that snow-white world, wars were raging. Weak humans were torn apart by huge monsters. Chen Xiaochen was surrounded by several monsters. A grenade, with a sad and heroic expression, he pulled the ring of the grenade, and with a bang, there was only an inextinguishable firework in front of her eyes...

"How could this be, how could this be..." She suddenly hugged her little head, squatting on the ground trembling, shivering, screaming, shouting, and talking to herself out of control, unable to hear anyone around her. human voice.

Chen Xiaochen was frightened, and rubbed her tightly in his arms to comfort her.

Their skin touched, she saw more.

Natural disasters, man-made disasters, death...

Lu Nanqi's eyes alternated between Chen Xiaochen's brothers and sisters' touching hands and Chen Xiaobao's pale face. Finally, she reached over, grabbed Chen Xiaobao's arm, and brought her back to the room.

The people behind followed.

Lu Nanqi drank, "Everyone is willing to stay with me."

A group of people were intimidated by her serious face, and no one dared to move anymore.

She took Chen Xiaobao upstairs to her room.

Chen Xiaobao's arm was very painful from being clenched, but she just endured it all the time, because she was eager to see more pictures, and she did see it.

See what's going to happen in the future.

Her thin and small body shivered more and more until she became a sieve, and her whole body was cold from head to toe.

Entering the room, Lu Nanqi threw her on the bed.

Chen Xiaobao stopped screaming, she bit her lip tightly, not letting herself make any sound, her clear eyes were fixed on Lu Nanqi all the time, without taking her eyes off.

Lu Nanqi leaned against the wall, looking directly at her quietly.

It seemed like a contest of victory and defeat, no one was willing to lose to anyone, and no one was willing to look away first.

Chen Xiaobao looked at her, his eyes gradually became tired.

"Seventh sister, there are so many people, they will all die... Do you want to watch them die like this... They are all our compatriots... Do you really have the heart to let them go like this?"

She cried and said, with tears and snot flowing from her nose, out of breath, and her voice was intermittent.

"Why do we have supernatural powers? Isn't it just to help those in need? Why are you reborn? Is Dangdang just for revenge... I don't believe it! Since fate is destined... Then God gave us these abilities, so naturally there is a reason for giving us these abilities... We have these not to let us watch our compatriots die. What we have to do is not to restore everything that is about to happen! "

(End of this chapter)

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