Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 405 Human Survival Is Unity

Chapter 405 Human Survival Is Unity

"Redeem, it's easy for you to say, what do you have to redeem?" Lu Nanqi sneered, "With my own strength, or with your words? Even if you go out and say all this now, how many people will Take your word for it?"

"No, I believe that someone will believe my words!" Chen Xiaobao yelled at her, "If you want to die, then you should die, even if it takes my life, even if it's just because of me. Even if it’s just to remind them to take precautions, even if it costs my life, as long as a few people believe in my words and take precautions, even if it’s just to save a few poor people, I will I think it's worth it, because we are all compatriots, and we are all the same victims! You said that the survival of mankind is unity, and I hope you don't forget what you said!"

After she finished speaking, she slammed the door angrily and went out.

Lu Nanqi smiled wryly. One day, she was going to be educated by a child.

It is still a principled outlook on life.

With all the morals deducted, if she doesn't say anything, will she really appear too ruthless?

It seems that she is not as good as a child?
Soon, the door was pushed open again, and Lu Li poked his head in, with an anxious expression on his face, "Sister, what did you say to Xiaobao, she ran out angrily, saying she was going to leave home..."

"Leaving home?" Lu Nanqi couldn't laugh or cry, pinching the center of her brows with a headache, "Then let her leave, leave her alone, it's so cold outside, and come back obediently in a while."

Lu Li shouted, "Sister, she's a child!"

"Are you still afraid that she will disappear in the base? There are people guarding the gate and patrolling the base. Let Sponge calm down and follow her secretly. Look at what you are making a fuss about."

"The key is that Sponge's ability can't track her!" Lu Li frowned.

"Can't track it, what do you mean?" Lu Nanqi looked over.

Lu Li said, "I don't know. It's been like this from the beginning. Anyone can track Sponge's abilities, but it doesn't have any effect on Xiaobao. Meng Lun chased her, but she deliberately avoided us." , when the others chased her out, she had already disappeared in front of the gate, and she didn't even know where to go."

Lu Nanqi's heart suddenly raised, thinking of what Chen Xiaobao said just now, his face sank instantly, and the moment his figure moved, he had already walked out quickly.

Who would have thought that a seemingly weak child would be so stubborn.

She said that even if she just saved a few more lives, even if she paid her life for it, she felt it was worth it.

Is it really worth it to sacrifice your life for others?

Those truths that adults will never understand, why can a small child interpret them so vividly and movingly.

O child, an uninfected heart.

It's so naive.

Being a human being is not just about having a kind heart.

"You guys searched along the patrol team, Lu Li went to Du Bing's residence." Lu Nanqi probably guessed where Chen Xiaobao would go, and went downstairs, she told the anxious people , and then went to Huo Zhonglin by himself.

The most authoritative person in the entire base.

If you want to prevent disasters from happening, going to him is the best choice, as long as he believes, then all disasters "seem" can be solved.

She vowed to find someone, Huo Zhonglin hadn't rested yet, he was a little confused about her arrival, he didn't know why she came, but in short, he didn't have a good face to face her.

Lu Nanqi was startled, her previous confidence turned to worry.

(End of this chapter)

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