Chapter 408 Basement

While arguing with the little goblin in their hearts, they have already walked inside.

It was a bit dark inside, and all that could be seen were some tattered things, and there was no smell of goods.

This house, like a tomb, is dead silent.

She stepped lightly, turned and walked towards the stairs.

The goblin stops her: not upstairs, all of them, in the basement.

"Basement?" Lu Nanqi murmured softly, pricking up his ears to listen carefully, as if there were occasional crying sounds, very vague for a while.

She lay down on the spot and pressed her ears to the ground.

The little goblin shook her hairless tail reverently: I said that everyone is in the basement, but if you still don’t believe me, the entrance is right there.

It raised its chin towards a dilapidated door.

Lu Nanqi went over and tried to push lightly, and the door was indeed loose. The door opened, leading directly to the basement.

There is a hole in the sky inside, the lights are bright, the walls are painted brightly, and everything is neat and tidy.

For a moment, I thought I was back before the end of the world.

Who is in here?

The more you walk in, the more things you see. The entrance looks like an office space, which is not very eye-catching. Only when you walk in, you realize that there are medical equipment and supplies everywhere.

If Chen Xiaobao is really here as the little goblin said.

That all confirmed her thoughts.

As expected, Chen Xiaobao was taken away by someone in an accident, not hiding himself on purpose.

The little fairy followed at her feet: go forward five meters, then turn right, there are many rooms where the test objects are held, more than [-] people have been arrested, and no staff are currently in the room , this is the best time for you to save Chen Xiaobao.

Without hesitation, Lu Nanqi walked over there immediately.

The little goblin ran ahead of her and arrived first.

Those detainees were all wearing white coats, locked in small rooms, and lying on the bed, like old men on the verge of death, motionless and lifeless.

They all opened their eyes, everyone was still awake, but no one wanted to escape.

There were intermittent crying sounds, Lu Nanqi approached to see, it was Chen Xiaobao.

Her small figure curled up on the white hospital bed, trembling slightly, gritting her teeth, trying not to let herself cry out, but she still couldn't help crying, with one hand still pressed on her arm, wearing a white coat. There was some blood on it.

"Is she injured?" Lu Nanqi asked uncertainly.

The goblin jumped onto her shoulders and looked in through the glass window on the door with her, "She was not injured, but was drawn blood."

"Then do you know where the key to open the door is?" she asked again.

The little fairy jumped on the floor, Lu Nanqi called out, "Hey, where are you going!"

It shouldn't, and quickly disappeared from her sight.

She could only support herself, took out the wire from the space, and tried to open the door.

Just as the wire was carefully threaded into the keyhole, the little goblin had returned to her side with a bunch of keys in her mouth, and looked at her with disgust: Are you stupid? How long do you have to pry the door with the wire? It's better to go directly to the key.

Lu Nanqi snatched the key from its mouth, and said in a bad voice: Who knows where the key is, I'm not you, I can even smell the key.

The little fairy raised her front paw and scratched her face: You should be glad that the previous person who opened the door left his breath on the key, otherwise, you would have spent time prying the door open!

(End of this chapter)

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