Chapter 409 Experiments

"Yes yes yes, thank you my little fairy hero, I will remember your kindness in my heart." Lu Nanqi smiled, turned the door handle and opened it.

Chen Xiaobao in the room was frightened by the sound, and suddenly curled up his small body even smaller, a small ball on the bed, very pitiful.

"Chen Xiaobao, it's me, go, come back with me right now!" Lu Nanqi hurried over.

Chen Xiaobao, who had been completely frightened, heard Lu Nanqi's voice, and sat up from the bed in a jerk. The moment he saw her, he burst into tears. He didn't care whether Lu Nanqi would refuse or not. He rushed forward, locked Lu Nanqi's body tightly, and lay in her arms with tears and snot streaming down his face, "I thought, I thought this would really be like this in this life, and I would never see Seventh Sister again..."

Lu Nanqi pulled her away, and she continued to pounce back, pulling her a few times. Seeing that she was too stubborn, Lu Nanqi finally gave up and let her hold her. He could only move his mouth and say, "When we come, , the staff here is not here, if you continue to hold me and cry like this, do you want to wait for their people to come back, and then arrest me together as a test object?"

Chen Xiaobao froze, and finally stopped crying.

She jumped out of bed in a panic, grabbed Lu Nanqi's hand and ran outside, "Run away, they will draw our blood and do all kinds of weird things to us, they are cold and cruel, they let us I went to kill a person, let me use my ability to kill people... But my ability can't kill people, so they locked me up, they threatened me, saying that my ability can't kill people, so let people with abilities people come to kill me..."

Lu Nanqi grabbed her, "Don't panic, there is no one outside, no one can hurt you anymore."

"They will come back, they will come back soon, if we don't leave, there will be no chance, sister Qi, hurry up..." Chen Xiaobao almost jumped up and down in a hurry, but he still didn't see Lu Nanqi leaving in a hurry Planning, she begged, "Seventh Sister, please leave quickly, you can't be arrested by them because of me, I can't implicate you."

"When you quarreled with me, when you left in anger, why didn't you think about these issues for me?" Lu Nanqi said.

Chen Xiaobao was stunned, the whole person became quiet, lowered his head, not daring to look at Lu Nanqi again, "I, I..."

She was so ashamed that she was speechless after all.

"Okay, I'll settle the score with you when I get back." Lu Nanqi deliberately showed his anger.

Chen Xiaobao lowered his head even lower.

"Seventh sister, what should we do with those who are also imprisoned, should we rescue them together?" She asked in a low voice.

Lu Nanqi didn't give an answer directly, but looked at her for a few seconds before saying, "You want me to rescue them all?"

Chen Xiaobao peeked at her secretly, seeing that she showed no signs of anger, he mustered up his courage, and nodded solemnly, "Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I believe that if you do good deeds, you will be rewarded. Seventh sister, they are all Poor people, they were caught and locked up here just like me. I believe they must hate this place. If you can rescue them, I believe they will be grateful to you. Maybe they will It will also be of use to you."

Lu Nanqi looked at her coldly, "You peeked at my thoughts again."

Chen Xiaobao hurriedly shook his hands, trying to explain: "No, I just accidentally touched your hand just now, and then accidentally saw something, but I promise, this time, I definitely didn't mean to sense you."

(End of this chapter)

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