Chapter 410 Wu Feng
Lu Nanqi pursed his lips, and suddenly raised his hook, "Okay, okay, I just asked casually, you are so nervous, since you want to save them, then go and save them yourself."

She threw the key into Chen Xiaobao's arms, and Chen Xiaobao happily ran to open the door.

Including Chen Xiaobao himself, a total of 26 people were arrested and used as experimental products.

The listless people, like birds in a cage, finally returned to life after they were released.

More than [-] people stood in the corridor.

Lu Nanqi said: "From now on, you are free. If you want to live, you should leave here immediately, and then go to Huo Ping and get food from him. You can leave the base. As long as you leave the base, I believe you It will be safe."

"Can we really leave the base?" Some people questioned, "The person who arrested us was the one named Huo. If we go to Huo Ping again, wouldn't that mean continuing to send us to our deaths?"

Lu Nanqi said: "Huo Zhonglin is Huo Zhonglin, and Huo Ping is Huo Ping. Although they are father and son, they are different."

"They are all surnamed Huo, since they are all surnamed Huo, what's the difference?" Behind the crowd, a man's clear questioning voice suddenly sounded.

As the sound sounded, the crowd moved sideways to make room for the people behind.

The man walked forward slowly, and didn't stop until he stood in front of Lu Nanqi.

He looked at her with sarcasm in his eyes, and said again, "Tell me, what's the difference between them?"

Lu Nanqi was taken aback, she didn't expect that it would be Wu Feng, the man who went to Feng's hometown with Huo Ping and disappeared after returning, was imprisoned here as a test subject.

She looked at the group of men, and suddenly realized that if her guess was correct, these people were criminals who committed mistakes and were imprisoned.

Then this laboratory took the opportunity to select those with supernatural powers from this group of criminals to conduct experiments.

Huo Zhonglin and the people in this laboratory are cooperating to do such a thing.

Since he was a prisoner, even if he died, no one would notice the problem.

Even if it will not be discovered by others, it can also facilitate experiments. This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

"Huo Ping is serving porridge at the gate of the base. The base intends to move people out to make full preparations for this winter. Everyone who goes out today will receive a bowl of porridge and five steamed buns. The remaining food in the base Not much, but he still contributed all the food." Lu Nanqi said: "I know what you are afraid of, you are worried that you will be caught again, but since Huo Zhonglin locked you in such a secret place, it must be In order to prevent people from noticing anything, even if you go out and stand in front of him in public, don't they really dare to attack you directly? If they really want to, what will other people think of him? Huo Zhonglin? So you You can rest assured that Huo Zhonglin has to eat this dumb loss, but the premise of all this is that you have to hurry up and get out of here!"

They still hesitated.

"It's up to you whether you want to go or not. If you don't go this time, you won't have this chance in the future." Lu Nanqi warned one last time, and then, without seeing their reaction, he pulled Chen Xiaobao and quickly left here basement.

The little goblin sprang out from behind her, didn't run very far, and stopped suddenly: No, someone is coming.

Lu Nanqi could only be forced to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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