Chapter 419 Not That Powerful

As soon as Lu Nanqi led Chen Xiaobao to the gate of the base, Huo Zhonglin arrived shortly thereafter, glaring at Lu Nanqi with anger and hatred.

"Dad, why are you here?" Huo Ping was also a little surprised.

Huo Zhonglin had nowhere to say his anger, he could only smile, "I'll come and have a look."

Huo Ping said: "Dad, don't worry, I will take care of everything. I assure you, these people will live safely outside."

Lu Nanqi looked at the two of them, with a faint smile on his face all the time, not too much, not too much, Huo Zhonglin felt guilty, the smile on his face gradually became unstoppable.

Chen Xiaobao's return made several people very happy.

Tan Jiatong and the others wandered around Chen Xiaobao, asking her about everything about last night.

Chen Xiaobao bit his lips and looked at Lu Nanqi for help.

Chen Xiaochen left work and looked for Chen Xiaobao in the base for another morning. Hearing the news of her return, he came here after hearing the news.

Seeing Chen Xiaobao standing in front of him safe and sound, the whole person just sat on the ground, holding Chen Xiaobao's hand tightly, staring at her with an expression of wanting to get angry but reluctant to get angry.

I am afraid that what I say will irritate her again, and then she will leave home again.

"Tell me, what's going on!" After a long time, this question was all he had left.

Chen Xiaobao still looked at Lu Nanqi for help.

Lu Nanqi was sitting on the ground beside her, and Lu Li was healing her injuries.

Chen Xiaochen looked over together, and his eyes fell on Lu Nanqi's wound, with complicated eyes.

When she said such ruthless words, he easily made his already stupid head irrational. After that, he only questioned her, but after turning around, she ran to save Chen Xiaobao, and even made a mess of him. Is it hurt to come back, why?
"You..." Looking at the wound on Lu Nanqi's arm, Chen Xiaochen was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

He was already stupid, but now, he just felt even more stupid.

Lu Nanqi's wound slowly healed under Lu Li's treatment.

He even lost the chance to ask "Are you okay?"

In the end, he could only bow his head in frustration.

The truth has come to light, it was Lu Nanqi who rescued Chen Xiaobao and came back. Although Lu Nanqi suffered flesh and blood injuries, fortunately, both of them are fine.

Everyone was happy, and they kept asking what happened during the period.

Chen Xiaobao was overwhelmed by their questions, and ran to Lu Nanqi, "I haven't slept all night, can you let me go to rest, if you have any questions, you can ask sister Qi, what happened to me She already knows everything."

She was worried that she would say too much, so she would slip up.

Seventh Sister reminded her not to say some things.

But she didn't have the confidence to control her mouth at all.

In this case, let Seventh Sister solve the matter, and I believe she can handle it well.

What she is best at is dealing with various problems.

The wound on Lu Nanqi's arm was no longer bleeding and was slowly healing. She looked at the group of unwilling people, and glanced at Huo Zhonglin who hadn't left from the corner of her eye, and patiently cooperated with them, "What do you want to know? , as long as I know, I will tell you."

Tan Jiatong spoke first, "Of course I want to know why Xiaobao was arrested, and how did you single-handedly save him?"

"How can I be so powerful? That's a group of supernatural beings." Lu Nanqi said: "It was Xiaobao who released the group of people who were imprisoned with her, and someone joined me to deal with the group of people. I managed to escape."

(End of this chapter)

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