Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 420 Suppresses the Laboratory

Chapter 420 Suppresses the Laboratory

Tan Jiatong was indignant, "Who is so hateful that he wouldn't even let a child go. Fortunately, you went to save him, otherwise I really don't know what will happen to Xiaobao if he is locked in again."

"That's an underground research institute." When Lu Nanqi said that, he glanced at Huo Zhonglin again, and sure enough, Huo Zhonglin's expression began to change, "It's in a deserted house in the west corner of our base, and there are many people who were caught inside. , although we came out, those people are still locked inside..."

She slowly turned her gaze to Huo Ping, "You take people to outflank them at this time, I believe you can stop them."

"That house has never been lived in since we built the base, because there was nothing left after the fire, and there was no place for people to live in, so it has been vacant all the time. Are you sure there will be people down there?" Huo Ping said with an expression. complex.

At the beginning of the construction of the base, Huo Zhonglin warned him that everyone in the base should not approach the house.

It is said that it is a dangerous building, which may collapse at any time, and it will be very dangerous to get close to it.

But I don't want to, there will be such a reason for this.

Lu Nanqi smiled lightly, "Is it true, you will know if you go and have a look."

Huo Zhonglin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke out with anger, "There is still such a lawless thing, you don't need to go there, I will personally take someone to check it, if it is true as you said, I will not let it go over any of them!"

"It is true that none of them can be let go, but those people are all supernatural beings. It should be more suitable for your son to go there, right?" Lu Nanqi smiled half-smile, "Also, if you are worried, you can go together."

"Go, of course." Huo Zhonglin bit the bullet.

Huo Ping said: "Dad, I will accompany you, let's go, go now."

Tan Jiatong secretly asked Lu Nanqi beside him, "Should we also go together?"

"It's good that our Xiaobao is fine. Other things are the problems that they should solve internally. Let's leave this matter to the base's own people to solve it. We should continue to do what we should do." Lu Nanqi Give orders.

Her purpose was to make Huo Ping aware of Huo Zhonglin's actions.

At this time, a group of them mobilized the crowd to go there, and the people over there should have heard the news and left long ago.

How can they really wait until they catch people in the past.

Even if he is arrested, with Huo Zhonglin around, he will never be truly arrested.

Xi Lingzhi and his gang must have fled long ago.

As long as Huo Ping discovers the remaining machines in the basement, it will not be so easy for Xi Lingzhi to use them again in the future.

At least, Xi Lingzhi couldn't do any research on the few people nearby.

Huo Ping and Huo Zhonglin left together, and took a few people to wipe out Xi Lingzhi's nest. As she expected, no one was there. In the entire basement, there were only medical equipment that could not be removed in time.

She guessed that Xi Lingzhi must really feel pain and hatred this time.

All the hard work went to waste.

She thought badly, and felt her mood getting better and better. Looking at their busy figures, she had nothing to do, so she went back to the villa first.

Chen Xiaobao went back with her.

The two sat on the sofa and started to stare at each other. Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Lu Nanqi raised his chin to Chen Xiaobao, "Go and open the door."

(End of this chapter)

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