Chapter 421

The latter ran to the door and was shocked when he saw that it was Huo Zhonglin.

Huo Zhonglin went straight to Lu Nanqi and sat down opposite her.

Lu Nanqi smiled, "Boss Huo, I've been waiting for a long time."

Huo Zhonglin looked very angry, "Lu Nanqi, what kind of tricks are you playing, or what do you want to gain from me!"

"Is there any benefit from you that I can get?" Lu Nanqi frowned, not knowing what it means to be polite, "Or, what benefit do you want to give me yourself?"

Take and send, but there is a big difference.

Huo Zhonglin didn't beat around the bush, and asked directly: "What do you want?"

"I want all your information in the research institute." Lu Nanqi cut to the point.

Huo Zhonglin sneered, "I thought you would let Xi Lingzhi go so kindly. It turned out to be such a calculation."

"It's up to me what I plan to do. You just say, give it or not."

"That thing is not with me now, it was taken away by Xi Lingzhi, and now, I don't know where he went." Huo Zhonglin said.

Indeed, Xi Lingzhi sent someone to pass a message to him, and when he took someone there, there was no one there.

After leaving the deserted house, he went directly to the gate of the base.

Until now, Xi Lingzhi's whereabouts have not been obtained.

"That is to say, if Xi Lingzhi is willing to give me the information, you won't object, will you?" Lu Nanqi asked again.

Huo Zhonglin was suspicious, "What do you want those materials for?"

Xi Lingzhi is a weird researcher who likes to study all kinds of things, and he cooperated with him because of his need, and made such a hidden place for him.

Well now, that place was wiped out by her all at once, and all the previous research was in vain, so now he can't even find a single person, and the loss is heavy.

Forget about the loss, Huo Ping even found out about this matter.

How to explain to Huo Ping, he still hasn't thought of a suitable reason.

Fortunately, she came to him again and the lion opened his mouth.

"I want it, of course there is something for me, you just say, yes or no." Lu Nanqi smiled.

Huo Zhonglin was a little anxious, "How do I know if you will use the information to do something bad after you get it!"

Lu Nanqi was straightforward, "If you don't want to, that's fine, you can leave my place now, and I can naturally get what I want from others."

"You!" Huo Zhonglin was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

Lu Nanqi has already issued the order to evict the guests, "Xiaobao, open the door to see off the guests. By the way, invite his son over for me."

Huo Zhonglin Huo stood up from the chair, stared at her for a while, and finally sat down again in frustration, "I can promise you this condition, but Huo Ping, you have to hide it from me, and, you go Explain to him and give him a reasonable answer."

"So, Chief Huo agreed." Lu Nanqi smiled with satisfaction, "Well, Huo Ping will definitely not suspect you, but if there is another time, then I can't guarantee that he will not." You will learn without a teacher, and I doubt you."

Huo Zhonglin pondered, "I'll let you know when I find Xi Lingzhi."

After all, he got up and left, unwilling to stay any longer, as if there was some kind of scourge here.

Watching him leave, Lu Nanqi hummed a song in a happy mood, the song was out of key, and he couldn't tell what it was.

(End of this chapter)

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