Chapter 422
Chen Xiaobao felt that it was a magic voice, so he blocked his ears unbearably.

She was still humming, and while humming, she opened the door and went out.

Chen Xiaobao caught up with her, "Seventh sister, you just came back, where are you going?"

Lu Nanqi stopped her from following, "You stay at home, you don't want to be arrested for research again, just stay here and don't go anywhere, if there is another accident like this, I really won't save you gone."

Chen Xiaobao was frightened, looked at her going away shadow, wanted to follow, but didn't dare to follow, in the end he could only lock himself in the room, and then ran into the room, holding the walkie-talkie that Chen Xiaochen left for her , ready to report danger at any time.

But the danger did not come back as she had imagined. Instead, most of the day passed without incident.
After Lu Nanqi left the house, he wandered around the alleys of the base. When he was bored, he went to the barter market.

It's a pity, now everyone only thinks of queuing up to get food, and there are not many people who will set up a stall here.

The street market, which used to be bustling and bustling, is pitifully deserted now.

She walked around twice, and finally left again.

Running around, getting more and more remote.

In the morning, Huo Ping had already released the news that she brought food to the base. Not only that, but also publicized her spatial ability, so that even a huge thing like a tank house can be stored in the space.

The news and its weird speed quickly spread to every corner of the base.

The mysterious person who wanted to challenge her must have also received this news.

At this moment, I'm afraid I can't bear it anymore.

"Seventh sister, someone is following us." The little fairy who had been sleeping in her arms suddenly woke up, meowed softly, and stretched lazily, "This is really a busy day."

"You've been sleeping for so long, it's time to get up and exercise." Lu Nanqi tugged at its ears, squatted down and put it on the ground.

The sound of footsteps that had been drifting away behind her suddenly and quickly hit her.

She glanced sideways, and saw a pair of slender legs kicking towards her back, she slapped the little goblin's body, and at that moment, she also rolled to the side, avoiding this person's attack neatly.

The man didn't expect her to dodge, his expression was slightly surprised, and soon, he continued to kick her.

Lu Nanqi backed away, dodging, "You're the one who sent a war card to me? But you didn't even touch a single hair of mine."

She laughed unabashedly, but to her surprise, Fang Fu turned out to be a half-year-old boy, at most fourteen or five years old.

The note that was left to her before looked old-fashioned, so I thought it might be an old man.

Many things in this world are always so unexpected.

"Are you that Seventh Sister that everyone is telling you about?" The young man snorted, "It's not as godlike as they said in the legend, look, isn't it just an ordinary woman, but she looks a little bit good-looking, but you Looks, if you want to say that there is no fairy, there is no other special feature except for fair skin, seriously, it is not even as good as our school's school belle. How can you be praised by everyone for a woman like you?"

"You're such a little guy, how dare you challenge me alone?" Lu Nanqi's tone was as contemptuous as his, and he also raised his chin, "I think life is too long."

"How can you speak so rudely, woman!"

"You kid, why don't you know how to respect people!"

(End of this chapter)

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