Chapter 423
"You!" The boy blushed, "Don't talk nonsense with me, go to a duel, if I win you, all your food will be mine, if you win me, then all my food will be yours too!"

"Deal." Lu Nanqi made a taijiquan gesture and hooked his fingers at him, "Little brat, come here."

The boy let out a loud shout, clenched his fists and charged straight at her.

His fist was sharp, but unfortunately he lacked stamina, he punched in front of her and was easily intercepted by her.

Lu Nanqi clasped his arm with his palm, and hit his chin with the other hand from below, punching him on the top.

However, with three points of force, the boy was beaten and lay on the ground.

"Boy, you lost."

"Two wins in three rounds!" The boy shouted and attacked her again.

Lu Nanqi intentionally teased him, with his arms around him, he blindly backed away instead of attacking.

Even so, the young master couldn't touch her hair.

The outcome is obvious, and it has already been decided.

But the boy still didn't give up, he gritted his teeth and insisted on fighting her.

A few minutes passed, and he still couldn't move her at all. He became anxious and blushed even more.

She had played enough and felt bored, so she kicked over unexpectedly, and the boy kicked her on the ground again.

"You lost again."

"There's still one round left!" The boy endured the pain and punched her for the third time.

Lu Nanqi didn't want to play with him any longer, so he kicked his feet, ran out from his side, came to his back, reached out and grabbed the boy's back collar, and pulled him to sit on the ground. "A three-legged cat like you dares to fight with me, isn't it too overpowering?"

The young man was still immersed in failure, and he couldn't believe that he lost all three rounds.

He has been learning Taekwondo with his father since he was a child. The people in this base are still quite afraid of him, but why, he didn't even touch a finger of this woman, so he lost three bets like this?
And his food...

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed, and he saw that Lu Nanqi didn't pay attention to him, stood up suddenly with his hands on his hands, and fled out regardless.

If so much food is given to her, what will he eat in the future?
Anyway, the base has been transferring people out these few days. As long as he escapes here, she won't be able to find him for a while. At that time, he can take the opportunity to go out with the crowd. Even if she has three heads and six arms, it is impossible to find him again. he.

The quicker his thoughts turned, the faster he stepped.

Finally, he fled to a place where no one was around. He just stopped, panting and looked behind, but he didn't see the woman chasing after him.

"Ha, I want something from me. It's beautiful." He smiled triumphantly, stopped running desperately, took out a bottle of water from the space, and walked slowly while drinking.

"Boy, are you running away in such a hurry just to drink water in a place where no one is around?" Lu Nanqi's joking voice suddenly sounded above him.

With a puff, the young man spurted all the water out of his mouth. He looked up at her with disbelief in his eyes, "Why are you here..."

"I'm not here, how can I get my food from you." Lu Nanqi sat on the wall, shaking her slender legs leisurely.

The young master stepped back quietly, preparing for a new round of escape.

As soon as he turned around, her voice sounded leisurely again, "I forgot to tell you, I have lightness kung fu, but with your short legs, are you sure you can outrun me?"

The boy stopped in frustration, he was so tired from running, she could catch up with him, and she looked very contented.

Although she knew she was bragging, she was faster than him, there was no doubt about it.

"Tell me, what do you want to let me go." The young man sat on the ground bald, as if he didn't care if he wanted to be killed or cut.

(End of this chapter)

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