Chapter 427 Brother Ruihuai
The boy whistled in the direction of the mansion, and the door of the mansion opened immediately, and a group of people rushed out, smiling at the boy.

"Did brother Ruihuai bring you something good again?" The children circled around the boy, bouncing around happily.

Surrounded by lush greenery, each of them had smiles on their faces. Although their clothes were worn out, they were still optimistic.

A momentary illusion, as if back before the end of the world, there is no chaos, no disasters, people still live a carefree life, every day is sad for daily necessities, simple life, full of warmth and happiness.

The boy named Brother Ruihuai scratched his little head in embarrassment, and looked at the children around him apologetically, "I'm sorry, Brother Ruihuai didn't get anything today, but next time, next time When brother comes back next time, he will definitely bring you delicious food."

The children believed his words and applauded happily.

They are not affected by the horror of the last days at all, as if in their eyes, there is no such thing as the last days.

"Brother Ruihuai, who is this sister?"

Looking at everything around her, Lu Nanqi was a little lost in thought, until an innocent child's voice pulled her back from the loss.

She secretly sweated for herself.

Fortunately, the woman behind him didn't take the opportunity to deal with her, otherwise, she would definitely be injured.

Zhang Ruihuai glanced at Lu Nanqi, and explained to the child: "She is my brother's new friend and our guest, so you must treat her well for my brother, can you do it?"

The children happily said in unison: "Yes!"

Zhang Ruihuai hurriedly made a booing gesture, "I promised to keep my voice low, have you all forgotten?"

The children immediately covered their mouths one by one, grinning silently.

Most of them are five or six-year-old children, and there are also older children.

They are in the period of changing their teeth, and their silly smiles with leaky front teeth are simple and cute.

A little girl came up to hold Lu Nanqi's hand, smiling sweetly, "Sister, may I take you to our house as a guest, a few of us are playing paper-cutting today, it's so beautiful, would you like to come together? "

"I..." Before Lu Nanqi could make a sound, the little girl had already dragged her into the mansion.

The inside is very simple, it is an old house, there is no sign of renovation, but everywhere is clean and orderly.

Lu Nanqi was dragged in, and soon, the group of adults also entered the room. A group of people stood in a row, neatly, and no one crowded the other.

It must have been a long time since there were any guests. They were very hospitable and thoughtful. There was no hot tea and fruit that you would normally see before the end of the world, but there was also water, a cool glass of water, with a few biscuits beside her, and put it in front of her.

A group of people just stared at her like this, and let her eat with a smile.

The child next to her stared greedily at the piece of biscuit in front of her, unwilling to take his eyes off for a moment.

They entertained her with the most precious things.

The glass of cold water drank into her stomach, but it was like a hot flame, burning and ironing into her heart.

"There is no fire here. I'm afraid of being discovered. Usually, the fire is only lit once a day for cooking, so don't mind." Zhang Ruihuai explained embarrassingly.

Lu Nanqi held the cup with a gentle smile on his face.

From the first time we met at the base to now, she has always behaved fiercely and trickily. At this time, such a gentle and kind attitude made Zhang Ruihuai dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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