Chapter 428
She pushed the biscuit towards the children, "Eat it."

The child had already forgotten how to be polite. As soon as she opened her mouth, they snatched her away one by one.

Because I was so hungry, I was so hungry that I couldn't bear to let go of even a little scum.

Zhang Ruihuai wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

The children ate the biscuits very quickly, in the blink of an eye.

"They are like this, they are too greedy, don't mind, I have some more here." Zhang Ruihuai took out another pack of biscuits from the space and put it in front of Lu Nanqi.

Lu Nanqi's brows raised slightly, "Didn't it mean that there was no food?"

Zhang Ruihuai was in a hurry to defend, "These are my personal food, I save it from my mouth every day."

Lu Nanqi looked at the bag of biscuits without doubt.

Because there are all kinds of biscuits in the bag, the shapes are different, and they are unevenly packed in the bag.

"You gave them all the food?" Lu Nanqi was more curious about his thoughts.

What on earth gave him such motivation to take the risk to protect this group of people.

"Yeah, now you can see it, you should believe what I say." Zhang Ruihuai said.

Lu Nanqi believed it, but still had doubts, "You stole so much food in the base, but why are they still living so poorly?"

With so much food, it is impossible that even the stomachs of the children are not full.

Zhang Ruihuai explained, "There was a doctor in the next door village who opened a small clinic before the end of the world and was lucky enough to survive. After the end of the world, many people were sick and injured, so they went to him to see a doctor. He had medicine there, and he could make it himself. But he charges a lot, people on our side get sick, and a lot of food is taken away every time, so everyone saves things, afraid of eating too much, and there will be nothing to eat in the future.”

Although they are old women and peasants, they are also a group of people with eyesight. They did not forget their worries and go to feast because of the food they got for a while.

This point is much stronger than those lazy people in the base.

"For so long in the last days, you have been living here?" Lu Nanqi stood up and walked slowly towards the backyard, with a flash of surprise in her eyes, because she heard the chirping of poultry.

"That's right, after the zombies appeared, everything was messed up. We were scared, so we hid at home and didn't dare to go out. However, there are still many people in the village who mutate. It's a pity for those who were bitten..." Zhang Ruihuai didn't say anything. After finishing, he saw that Lu Nanqi had already stepped towards the backyard, so he could only follow in a hurry, "Hey, what are you doing there, there's nothing to see there, it's just a bunch of little beasts."

As he was about to finish speaking, Lu Nanqi had already pushed open the door.

Flocks of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep came into her eyes.

This small village is really unique.

Everything she wants is here.

The woman behind hurried up, pulled Lu Nanqi away, slammed the door shut, frowned and blamed, "Do you know how to be polite, have you got permission from others, you just wander here and look around!"

"Your poultry?" Lu Nanqi thought quickly.

The woman has no good face, "Don't think about other people's things!"

Lu Nanqi said, "Your younger brother stole my food, how about paying me those poultry?"

"Beautiful thought!" The woman drank.

"Okay, since you don't want to, let's talk about it, how to solve this matter?" Lu Nanqi became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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