Chapter 429 Being a Slave?
Zhang Rui ran up to her anxiously, "That's not what you said at the time. You clearly said that as long as I bring you to prove that I did distribute the food, you won't force me to hand over the food again."

"I said so, so I didn't force you to hand over the food now, but I didn't say that this matter is over." Lu Nanqi blinked her innocent eyes, "I won't force you to hand over the food, so we Is there a problem with solving it in other ways now?"

"That is to pay it back..." Zhang Ruihuai's pretty face was wrinkled into a ball, "You still want me to pay it back, then why do you want me to bring you here? If I had known this, why would I still bring you here. "

"Is there any reason to take other people's things and not return them? If you don't bring me here, you have to immediately return my food or give me your life. Since you brought me here, then I have done what I said, and I will give you a compromise. You have five years to pay off your debts."

"Ah..." Zhang Ruihuai frowned, with an expression on the verge of tears, "You don't really want me to be your slave..."

"Isn't that good? It's not bad for you. Follow me, and you'll be able to eat and drink every day in the future." Lu Nanqi analyzed the problem for him very seriously, "Besides, I can also take you outside to fight zombies, dig out crystal nuclei, and strengthen your ability, no matter how you think about it, it will be profitable."

"How can you be such an abominable person? You spread all the things that boast about you outside, you evil woman!" Zhang Rui was furious.

Seeing that something was wrong, the group hurriedly pulled the children away from them, fearing that they would fight innocently later.

The woman who had been wary of defending Lu Nanqi finally couldn't bear it any longer, she drew her knife to meet her, and put the dagger on her neck when she was defenseless.

Lu Nanqi unhurriedly raised his hands up and surrendered, with a ruffian-like smile on his lips, "It's just a discussion, are you a little too excited? People who are as daring as you, I think, will definitely not be casual Is it right to kill people casually, otherwise... what is the difference from those beasts who kill without batting an eye?"

The woman stuck a sharp knife to her neck, "Don't give me a bad mouth!"

On Lu Nanqi's fair neck, a wound immediately appeared, oozing bright red blood.

Despite this, her posture is always idle, she even leans her body on the table, her arms are leisurely clasped fiercely, not like the one being threatened, but still like a threat who is looking for trouble, "I won't talk to you, Do you want to fight with you? You, a large group of people, do you want to watch them get hurt one by one?"

"I can finish you with a single blow now, what confidence do you have to be proud here!" The woman's eyes were dark.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you with certainty that you won't be able to kill me, and you, the group of people, are likely to die with you." Lu Nanqi smiled, and the corners of her lips that were slightly drawn to one side were all evil spirits.

The group of people around them were so frightened that they didn't even dare to vent their breath.

The woman gritted her teeth and glared angrily. Facing Lu Nanqi's self-confidence, she actually hesitated.

At this moment, her knife was resting on Lu Nanqi's neck, but she couldn't afford 100% confidence.

"It's been rumored that the Seventh Sister in the peace base is good at voodoo skills, and even spirit zombies are a bit afraid of you. Don't tell me, do you even want to confuse women?" the woman laughed.

Lu Nanqi had never heard such words in the base.

But what I heard the most was scolding her.

(End of this chapter)

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