Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 430 Normal Sexual Orientation

Chapter 430 Normal Sexual Orientation

The woman's words were not very pleasant. It must be someone in the base who was upset with her and spurred her on purpose.

However, from Lu Nanqi's point of view, this is flattering her.

Look, even zombies can be bewitched. Doesn't that mean that she is better than zombies?

Hmm...that sounded very pleasing to the ear.

Not only did Lu Nanqi not get angry because of her stimulation, but he smiled slowly, "I'm really sorry, my sexual orientation is normal, I only like men, your brother is good, or let him come over to be my little one, how about it?" ?”

The woman didn't get mad at her, but at herself, "You crazy!"

When she got angry, the dagger in her hand didn't hesitate anymore, and she tried hard to cut Lu Nanqi's throat with a knife.

Lu Nanqi leaned his whole upper body down, backed up with the table attached to his back, with his big palm facing up, he slashed at the muscles of the woman's upper arm, grabbed the woman's wrist with one palm, landed on the ground with both feet, and led the woman to spin half a circle , Pressing the woman directly on the table.

One move to defeat the enemy.

"I said before, you can't kill me, why do you always do stupid things." Lu Nanqi sighed, his voice sounded like an old man, "The young people nowadays, one by one, don't wear ears every day body."

The woman struggled, but it was in vain. The oppression made her even angrier, "You kill us and don't kill us, but you keep playing with us, siblings, what on earth do you want!"

"Isn't that what I want?" Lu Nanqi smiled, pulled the woman up from the table in satisfaction, pushed her to the side, sat back on the chair by herself, and waved her hands fiercely, "I don't Do, will you talk to me nicely?"

The woman staggered two steps before she stood still, "What do you want and what is your purpose? Ming people don't speak secretly, so hurry up."

"Originally, I thought that if your younger brother really divided the food, then I would pull him by my side and let him work hard to repay my debt slowly, but now since you have other food here, then I will naturally I don't like him anymore, it's actually very simple to let your brother go, just give me those poultry in the backyard..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the woman shouted, "Good idea!"

Lu Nanqi was helpless, "I haven't finished my sentence yet, why are you refusing in such a hurry, you give me these poultry now, half a year later, I will return twice as much poultry to you, how about it? Just agree to this request, your brother Stealing my food, I will not hold it accountable."

"Give it to you?" The woman sneered, "You treat us as fools. After giving it to you, you ran away. We went to find ghosts to get things. We gave you so many poultry. How can you promise me that you will pay us back twice in the future?" many!"

Faced with the woman's tough attitude, Lu Nanqi became more calm, "First, you don't have food to feed these poultry, even if you mow grass for them to eat every day, but now the weather is getting colder and colder, many plants will dry up, soon, You will have nothing to feed them; second, you dare not kill them to eat, because the smell of blood will attract zombies; third, you are even more afraid that these poultry will also be infected with the virus, and people who eat them will also be infected with the virus and die; Four, smart people do smart things, give me these poultry, not only will I not hold your brother accountable, but I will also take some clothes and food from the space and leave it to you jelly, and give you twice as much poultry after half a year, I think you have no reason to refuse."

"You said, give us more supplies?" The woman hesitated, but her heart was indeed moved.

(End of this chapter)

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