Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 431 This transaction will not lose money

Chapter 431 This transaction will not lose money

Although she hated Lu Nanqi, she had to admit that what she said was very reasonable.

The poultry in the backyard were caught one by one in the village after the end of the world. When there was no food, they were fed with grass. Those chickens and ducks ate chopped grass, and they were skinny and skinny.

It has started to snow now, and even the edible vegetation is gradually disappearing.

Before a while, these will indeed become difficult problems for them to face.

If the poultry were not given to her, the final outcome would be that they would die one by one.

This transaction will not lose money.

Lu Nanqi looked innocent, "Didn't I say this just now? Ah, look at my memory, Alzheimer's disease has advanced, so I can forget such an important thing."


No matter how she looked at it, how could she feel that she did it on purpose?

"I've already explained everything to you. Whether you want to make a deal or not is up to you." Lu Nanqi put one hand on the table and tapped it repeatedly.

Compared to her who offered to make a deal, the siblings are more anxious than her.

Zhang Ruihuai couldn't wait, after listening to Lu Nanqi's words, he directly pulled the woman to the corner, "Sister, we don't suffer from her deal, let's agree, what she said is right, we really can't keep this group of poultry. "

"She will have so much food? Who knows if she is fooling people again, look at her mouth, she can say that the dead are alive, whoever said that, besides, what does she want those poultry for, all the problems She has already considered that winter has come, she will take these poultry away, and what will she feed them, don't you think her words are very problematic?"

Women are much calmer than Zhang Ruihuai, slowly analyzing the problems one by one.

Lu Nanqi heard every word they said, and suddenly stood up from the chair, "It's getting late, you take your time to think about it, I'll go back first."

"Wait!" The woman stopped her, "You can't go anywhere until the matter is resolved."

"You want to put me under house arrest?"

"At least I'm not sure yet, are you sent by the Heping Base to inquire about the news?"

"How big is your village? Is there any news that is worthy of my inquiry? Please, use your brain to think about it before you speak, okay?"

"You don't know?" The woman hesitated for a moment.

Lu Nanqi asked back, "What should I know?"

"Aren't you an important person in the base, so why don't you even know about this?" The woman laughed, "I thought you were so important in the base, but I didn't expect them to treat you as an outsider .”

"What do you mean?" Lu Nan frowned.

Among them, is there anything she doesn't know?

"A murderer escaped from the base. It is said that when he left, he also stole an important piece of information from the base. As for what it is, no one knows. It is said that it is an antidote that can save the virus." Zhang Ruihuai To answer her doubts, "I heard from the people in the base that the antidote was actually a person."

Lu Nanqi frowned even deeper.

one person……

Subconsciously, what flashed across his mind was Lu Li's face.

"When did it happen?" She suddenly changed her expression, as cold as ice.

Zhang Ruihuai said, "It's just what happened in the past few days, but I also heard it from others, so I don't know if it's true or not."

Regardless of whether it is true or not, she only believes that there is no wave without wind.

She pursed her lips, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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