Chapter 434 Urgent Need

And even though these people were in the base, they didn't wander around, which meant that they had already grasped the movement of the target.

In the past few days, Lu Li has been here to help out with the porridge, and to help deal with the departure of the members of the base, and other people have always appeared by his side.

Everything was normal at first, but looking at it now, it has changed.

Who, who accepted this task?

This group of familiar faces turned out to be no longer innocent.

Also, who is really innocent.

After returning to the base this time, she did not go to the front to help, but wandered around the base leisurely by herself.

Even at night, she didn't stay in the room.

Waiting for the arrival of the dead of night, she shuttled through every corner of the base.

Pay attention to Huo Zhonglin's movements and his contact with anyone.

But it was very quiet, until the end of the porridge on the third day, those people were completely sent out, and Huo Zhonglin and others did not see any strange behavior.

I saw that group of people who were familiar with her often came in and out of Huo Zhonglin's office.

Or maybe, as she thought, it was one of them.

Or, is everyone a part?
She kept watch outside Huo Zhonglin's window for two nights, but did not wait for the news she wanted to hear.

On the third day back to the base, Zhang Ruihuai waited.

He found the villa directly, without anyone's back, and said very clearly: "My sister is looking for you."

"So, your sister agreed to make a deal with me?" Lu Nanqi's face, which had been tense for a few days, finally got better.

Although Lu Li's danger has not been lifted, fortunately, there is finally good news here.

She needs the poultry, desperately.

"My sister said that she can trade with you, but you have to cash in those supplies to us immediately, and there are twice as many poultry that will be cashed in half a year. This is all talk without proof, should you give something? A trustworthy guarantee?" Zhang Ruihuai said.

Lu Nanqi's heart skipped a beat, and the thought that had been suspended in his mind for the past two days became more real.

She asked, "Did your sister say when she would see me?"

"Now." Zhang Ruihuai said.

"In such a hurry?"

"I don't know either, I'm only responsible for passing on the message." Zhang Ruihuai shrugged.

He wouldn't tell her the truth because another chicken died yesterday.

These two days seem to be much colder than before.

Those poultry are not good to eat, and they are not thin enough to be weak.

One also died the day before yesterday. If this continues, these poultry will surely die one by one.

In the end, they have already seen that if they don't make this deal, they will only get nothing at both ends.

So now, in fact, it's not that she wants to make a deal with them, but that they can't wait to make this deal with her.

Lu Nanqi thought for a while, and said in response, "Okay, let's go."

Before leaving, she went to Lu Li's room to take a look.

Probably exhausted from the busy work these days, he was still sleeping, and he didn't seem to wake up for a while.

She was slightly relieved, and told Meng Lun to keep an eye on Lu Li, not to let him act alone, and then followed Zhang Ruihuai.

The third thief was still working on the bows and arrows she wanted outside the yard. Seeing her come out, he hurriedly showed her the bow he had just made, "Look, the first bow is ready, try it, see!" How far can the range go?"

Lu Nanqi pushed it away, "I'm not free right now, I'll watch it when I get back."

(End of this chapter)

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