Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 435 Be sure to catch him!

Chapter 435 Be sure to catch him!
She turned around and left, leaving the old thief alone in place.

The old man stomped his feet angrily, "I worked so hard to do it well, you didn't even look at it, and you said you like it, and I won't give it to you if I lose it!"

Playing with his temper like a child, he really threw the bow on the ground, and then returned to the villa in a huff.

The door was slammed by him.

But within 5 minutes, he ran out angrily again.

"Hmph, don't want it, I'll use it myself!" He went to find the bow.

But at this time, there was no shadow of the bow on the ground.

He was unbelievably quiet for a few seconds, and roared into the sky, "Which bastard stole my bow, and if I catch it, I won't let you go!"

This roar can be heard in a radius of ten miles.

Several people in the villa came out one after another.
Lu Nanqi left from the base, this time driving her own car.

When they left Zhang Ruihuai's village that day, they were released directly from the space, and it was quite comfortable to drive, so they stayed outside.

Zhang Ruihuai likes this car, the first time he saw it, his eyes lit up, and he had the cheek to take her car.

Lu Nanqi glanced slightly at his deformed car, which he had stolen from no one knew where, and locked the door shamelessly, and drove away by himself.

Zhang Ruihuai ate the dust all over his face.

"As for being so stingy!" He cursed unconvinced, and hurriedly got into the dilapidated car, slamming on the accelerator to follow.

In the empty place they left, seven people appeared not long after.

They were dressed in shabby clothes, looking at the direction Lu Nanqi left with hideous faces.

"Hurry up, drive to catch up with them, and make sure to catch her younger brother!" one of the men said.

The seven split up and drove two cars to keep up with Lu Nanqi at an extremely fast speed.

In the direction of the village, before the end of the world, there was a section of road under repair. After the end of the world, the maintenance of this section of the road was forced to stop, and no one continued to complete the work, so it was difficult to walk.

Zhang Ruihuai's car in the back is too bad. It's as slow as a snail when driving this section of the road.

Lu Nanqi looked in the rearview mirror, deliberately slowed down and waited for him.

His car wasn't just slow, it was loud and creaked as if it could fall apart at any moment.

The occasional scattered zombies on the side of the road can be attracted by him. He can drive this kind of car, and he is really convinced.

After all, she parked the car on the side of the road, waited for his car to snail-like move to her car, and then honked the horn.

"Come here, I allow you to sit." She opened the window and stuck her head out.

Surprise flashed across Zhang Ruihuai's face, the previous anger disappeared immediately, and he got out of the car cheerfully.

His car was clearly turned off, but Lu Nanqi could still hear the sound of the car's engine starting. This sound did not come from her car.

She listened attentively, her face sank instantly, "Hurry up and get in the car!"

"I'm not here, why are you in a hurry." Zhang Ruihuai had just sat down on his buttocks, and the car door hadn't been fully closed. He was thrown by the speed of her sudden sprint, and the whole person fell out.

Lu Nanqi leaned over, yanked his arm, and pulled him back into the car. Following the strength, Zhang Ruihuai also closed the car door at the same time.

The whole process was safe and sound.

Lu Nanqi's expression remained unchanged, but Zhang Ruihuai was scared out of his wits.

He leaned back in the seat with his chest straight, "I think you did it on purpose, to be honest, you just wanted to scare me on purpose, didn't you!"

(End of this chapter)

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