Chapter 436 Dangerous
Lu Nanqi said coldly, "Someone is following us."

Zhang Ruihuai was taken aback, his expression became serious, he turned around and looked back, the snow was getting heavier today, and there was some fog, so he couldn't see clearly what was going on behind him.

He was a little skeptical, but seeing Xiao Su on her face, she didn't seem to be lying at all, so he couldn't help but raised his heart, "I can't see clearly, do you know who is following us?"

"I don't know for the time being." Lu Nanqi remained calm, "Sit still, I want to speed up."

"How can you speed up in this kind of place? It's raining again. This road is difficult to walk. Be careful." Zhang Ruihuai tightened his grip on the handlebar of the car nervously, "Why don't we get out of the car and walk? I know there is a road nearby that can lead to the village. the short cut."

Lu Nanqi glanced at him like a fool, "It's snowing now, and every step you take can leave evidence for those who are worried and kind. You want to introduce those bad guys into the village before you are willing?"

Zhang Ruihuai was speechless immediately, because he lacked consideration.

But what if you don't get out of the car?
They simply couldn't see how many people were following them, or even how many weapons they were carrying.

Lu Nanqi kept listening, and quickly came to a conclusion, "Two cars, no more than ten people."

Zhang Ruihuai looked in the rearview mirror, but she still couldn't see the car, but she could guess it, and couldn't help being curious, "How can you be sure that there are two cars behind, or even no more than ten people?"

"I don't discuss this kind of issue with fools." She looked ahead, at the intersection entering the village, she made a sudden turn, and turned the car to another road, a flat and wide street.

Without the ruggedness, the car behind quickly caught up with them.

Zhang Ruihuai stared at the rearview mirror, feeling even more surprised. Sure enough, there were only two cars following them.

How did she do it?
Worship appeared in his eyes.

It can be seen that the two cars are getting closer and closer, and they can't help but become more and more nervous.

"Hurry up, step on the gas, you have such a good car, there is no reason for them to overtake you, hurry up and step on the gas, okay!" He urged anxiously.

But seeing that Lu Nanqi was calm all the time, he drove the car steadily to a hundred yards.

Zhang Ruihuai looked desperate, "My aunt, you haven't eaten, so you don't have the strength to step on the gas pedal? Can you hurry up for me? If this continues, we will all die."

"Look at your elder sister's resoluteness, but why are you so timid as a younger brother?" Lu Nanqi seemed to be smiling, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

Not only did she not accelerate, but she deliberately slowed down the car.

"My sister was a policeman before the end of the world, of course she is much better than me." Zhang Ruihuai heard ridicule from her words, "I admit that I am not as good as my sister, but she will protect me, and with her, no matter when, we All safe."

It's not like being with her, there are dangers everywhere.

In the time it takes to say a word like this, the two cars that have been chasing them have successfully passed in front of them.

Zhang Ruihuai mourned and bald, "I knew your driving skills were so bad, I should have been more persistent just now and just snatched your car keys, but now it's good, it's unrealistic to call for help in this wilderness .”

"The mouth is on your body. If you want to shout, can anyone stop you?" When Lu Nanqi said, he had already taken out a pistol from the space, and handed Zhang Ruihuai a small pistol.

"Give me the gun?" Zhang Ruihuai held the gun, but didn't dare to move it.

"Don't dare to open?" Lu Nanqi squinted, "Isn't your sister a policeman? It shouldn't be difficult for you guys to get some guns."

"No..." Zhang Ruihuai was a little embarrassed, "It's my sister who never let me touch the gun."

(End of this chapter)

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