Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 437 The Fear Before Death

Chapter 437 The Fear Before Death
"Then I still dare not shoot." Lu Nanqi made a gesture to retract the gun.

Zhang Ruihuai hurriedly snatched the gun away, "Who says I dare not shoot anymore, give it to me!"

"I'll stop the car. Take care of yourself. Whether you live or die depends on your marksmanship." Lu Nanqi said, intending to scare him.

Before Zhang Ruihuai could react, her car had already stopped, and she quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

When the people in the two cars in front got off, Lu Nanqi had already dodged to the back of her car and hid smoothly.

"Hey, wait for me!" Although Zhang Ruihuai was nervous, he was not out of control.

He also quickly ran towards Lu Nanqi, and the seven people behind quickly caught up and shot Zhang Ruihuai's foot, but unfortunately the shot was crooked and hit the ground.

The fog became more and more dense, hitting their side, and the visibility of the line of sight was only more than one meter wide.

The seven people rushed towards Lu Nanqi with the same goal, holding their pistols high, and raised their vigilance towards the surroundings where only the fog could be seen.

Someone said: "The fog is getting thicker and thicker, everyone should be vigilant, that Lu Nanqi is extraordinary, remember, don't love to fight, as long as we catch her brother, we will retreat immediately."

Lu Nanqi was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized it.

They regarded Zhang Ruihuai as her younger brother.

If it's someone from the base, it's impossible that they haven't met Lu Li, which would cause such a big misunderstanding.

In other words, this group is people outside the base.

They finally couldn't bear it anymore, and they were ready to move.

Sure enough, all her guesses were correct, the person who could cure the zombie virus in the news was none other than Lu Li!
"Why did they arrest your brother?" Zhang Ruihuai huddled beside her and asked curiously.

Lu Nanqi panicked, grabbed Zhang Ruihuai and quickly disappeared in the thick fog.

"Let's go!" She said deliberately, so that the seven people who were leaning forward noticed their existence.

Lived up to everyone's expectations, someone immediately noticed their movements and shouted in the direction they left, "They are over here!"

Seven men chased after them, but two of them had disappeared.

"Run away..." one of them said in a deep voice, and rushed into the thick fog at random, "I don't believe they can escape from such a thick fog!"

"Don't act alone!" The man next to him wanted to stop him, but the man was too fast and disappeared in an instant.

The others didn't even have time to react, they only heard a muffled groan in their ears, they whispered the man's name, trying to get his response, but there was only a strange silence around.

The remaining six people were so shocked that they stuck together back to back, and someone reminded in a low voice: "They must be nearby, everyone be careful!"

Following his words, there was a muffled bang, their eyes were drawn to them, and a corpse suddenly appeared on the ground, it was their partner who disappeared just now.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground with his eyes wide open, blood spilled from his neck, and quickly flowed to their feet.

On his face, there was the fear before death.

One of them slowly leaned down to test his breath, and after verification, his face became more gloomy, "He's dead."

Before he could stand up again, something grabbed his wrist suddenly, and he was dragged out amidst screams of terror.

In the quiet surroundings, only his screams remained.

Soon, the cry stopped along with the muffled grunt.

Everyone knew in their hearts what this meant... that was the coming of death.

(End of this chapter)

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