Chapter 440 Die, You Monsters
Selfishness persuaded him to drive away from this ghostly place quickly, but his conscience persuaded him to drive quickly and follow the direction where Lu Nanqi disappeared to rescue her.

He took a deep breath, put one hand on the handlebar, and wanted to open the door and get out of the car.

In the end, conscience overcame selfishness, and he planned to save her.

As soon as he put his hand on the doorknob, the quiet world outside became frantic again.

Those vines suddenly attacked him.

They found him, and the sharp vines hit the window glass and hit the car. Soon, the roof of the car was dented.

As long as it doesn't take long, these vines will definitely break through this layer of iron armor, suck his blood again, and turn him into a mummy...

Zhang Ruihuai was terrified, stepped on the accelerator, and the car flew straight out, hitting the two cars in front.

The car was hit by him and separated left and right, freeing a lane.

He began to hesitate again, as long as he kicked the accelerator to the end, then he should be safe.


"Seventh sister, whether I can get out of here alive depends on you..." He said to himself, nervously, backing the car back.

The car spun around on the wide road, aiming at the vines that were still stretching towards him.

"Die, you monsters!" He yelled, and slammed the car straight over.

The vines dodged around, but quickly returned to attacking him.

Zhang Ruihuai's mind was in a mess, and the only thought in his heart was to bring Lu Nanqi back from this dangerous place even if he died.

If he couldn't save her, he would be in trouble for the rest of his life.

When he was dragged away, she tried her best to communicate with each other. This time, he will not be that ungrateful person.

Big deal, we have to die together!

He was planning for the worst, and without any hesitation in his heart, he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom and rushed straight to the source of the vine.

A dense forest, full of all kinds of trees.

Those vines are extending from this forest.

The headlights of the car shined on the front, and it was clear that those who were arrested were wrapped around the tree trunks, and countless vines were inserted into the bodies of these people.

The red blood seemed to be going into their vine tubes.

Those people were dying and hung their heads, occasionally moaning in pain, the sound could really come out, and it had already spread around their mouths.

Sitting in the car, Zhang Ruihuai was completely dumbfounded.

What the hell did he see?
Lu Nanqi was right, these things were really monsters.

No, it was a monster scarier than a monster.

They have no wisdom, they only know how to kill innocent people forever.

He pursed his pale lips and kept honking the horn. If she was still alive, then she would definitely be able to hear the sound of the horn, and would definitely find a way to come out.

If she wasn't alive...

His thoughts stopped abruptly here, trying not to think about the bad outcome.

Those vines were still attacking his bodywork.

Zhang Ruihuai was angry, and he raised his gun and shot at the vines on the roof that kept hitting.

There is no 100% chance of hitting, but at any rate, a few vines have been repelled.

He used a gun for the first time, and he was able to get into the state quickly, which was not bad.

Lu Nanqi came out from the forest hanging from a green vine, and the first thing he saw was Zhang Ruihuai's pale and firm face, as well as his good spear skills.

He didn't take the opportunity to abandon her.

Still a little courage and loyalty.

Thinking about it, her eyebrows raised slightly, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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