Chapter 441 She is really fine!
Not all are ungrateful.

She swayed lightly with the green vines, and jumped onto the hood of the car.


A loud noise frightened Zhang Ruihuai so that the pistol flicked again, almost hitting the glass in the car.

He turned his head in horror, and the moment he saw Lu Nanqi, his face finally beamed with joy, "Sister Seven!"

She is fine!
Lu Nanqi pointed to the passenger seat with one finger, holding the Seven Star Sword in her hand at the same time, leaped onto the roof of the car in two steps, and swung the saber three times in a row, cutting off the vines in an instant.

A new vine followed, and Qi Qi aimed the dangerous vine at Lu Nanqi.

The green liquid sprayed out from the vine, heading straight for her face.

The liquid can make a person unconscious and weak all over.

Lu Nanqi jumped to the side and onto the ground, avoiding danger.

Just as Teng Duan was about to spray the venom for the second time, another group of green vines sprang out from the forest.

Those green vines came in a hurry.

Zhang Ruihuai watched this scene in horror.

There are too many of those monsters, they... can't last long at all.

Seeing a new batch of green vines also rushing towards this side, while Lu Nanqi stood on the ground, just watching this scene happen, his figure remained motionless.

Did she even choose to give up?

Zhang Ruihuai was desperate for a moment, and even lost the strength to crawl to the co-pilot.

The moment he was about to bow his head, those lively vines were entangled and dragged into the forest by the second batch of green vines that came up.

Two batches of the same vines were fighting right under his nose, and the batch that fought them before was obviously at a disadvantage and was soon beaten badly.

The men tied to the tree whose blood was about to be drained were finally freed, and fell to the ground one by one like corpses.

The vines that tied them all rushed to the back to fight.

The turnaround is a little quick.

Zhang Ruihuai stared blankly for a long time before slowly realizing it.

Are they... saved?

"Seventh Sister!" He shouted in surprise for a moment, with a joyful expression on his face.

Lu Nanqi stood there for a while longer before getting into the car with lowered eyebrows.

The dying man on the ground suddenly grabbed her foot, "Help, save me...please..."

She looked down at the man silently for a few seconds, then suddenly possessed herself, raised his chin, "Who sent you here?"

"Of course we came by ourselves."

"Why did you arrest my brother!"

"Everyone is spreading rumors that there is a savior in the last days, and your brother is the savior. As long as you hold him, you can have health and even live forever..." The long string of words made the man weaker, " Only, as long as you save me, I promise... I won't hit your brother again..."

"Who told you this news?"

The man shook his head, "By the time I knew it, the news would have been an open secret."

Seeing that he couldn't say anything, Lu Nanqi loosened his chin.

The man kept begging for mercy, "I was wrong, I shouldn't have thought of you... I promise, as long as you save me... I will never hurt you again in this life..."

Lu Nanqi suddenly smiled coldly, and stood up straight, "Don't worry, no matter what, you will never have the chance to harm us again in your life."

She lifted her foot and kicked it out violently, the man made a final muffled sound, and then lay on the ground completely motionless.

Zhang Ruihuai saw everything with his own eyes while sitting in the car, her kick seemed to be kicking on his head.

Let him think about it, and suddenly feel lucky that he didn't leave directly just now.

Otherwise, if she finds out that he left ungratefully, what will she do to deal with him?
Thinking of this, he felt a chill.

(End of this chapter)

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