Chapter 444 Spatial Difference
Zhang Mingyue glared at him.

Zhang Ruihuai said even harder: "And think about it, if you don't agree to this matter, then our deal will have to be cancelled. Do you want to watch all the little animals in our backyard die?"

He dragged Zhang Mingyue aside and said in a low voice.

But for Lu Nanqi, it was not difficult to hear it.

This kid seems arrogant and rude, but he is actually not bad and knows how to help others.

It's the same with or without him.

Because Zhang Mingyue will definitely agree.

Lu Nanqi has this confidence.

Sure enough, Zhang Mingyue gave Zhang Ruihuai a second look, and said in a low voice, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." She turned around and continued to bandage Lu Nanqi's wound, and when the dressing was finished, she asked, "When will you come over? "

"Wait for the matter at the base to be dealt with." Lu Nanqi smiled faintly and stood up. "As long as it is a living thing, it will mutate. Let the people in the village not act alone when they are free, let alone go out casually. And Those poultry in the backyard, I will take them away immediately."

"It's foggy outside, how do you take it away?" Zhang Mingyue said, "It's not safe."

Lu Nanqi was a little surprised at her straightforwardness, "You allow me to take them away first? Don't you worry that I'll be repudiated?"

"If you really want to forcibly capture those poultry in the backyard, even if all of us unite, we may not be able to deal with you. I believe that you are not such a person, otherwise, you would not trade things with us."

In any case, they are the ones who made the money.

With so much food, she said she would not pursue it if she didn't pursue it.

"You are a smart person." Lu Nanqi said sincerely, in the last two months, it is rare to meet someone who is clear and bright.

Temperament is somewhat similar to her, they both like to act straightforwardly.

"Each each other."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and went to the backyard together.

Lu Nanqi didn't turn his back on them, and put all the poultry into the space in front of their siblings.

Zhang Ruihuai opened his mouth in shock, "What level is your space now, and you can even put poultry in it. If I upgrade, can I be as powerful as you?"

"You asked the wrong person about this kind of unknown, how could I know." Lu Nanqi put his hand away and went outside.

Zhang Mingyue was also surprised by her actions. When Zhang Ruihuai possessed spatial abilities, she also tried to let him take these creatures in together, but after a while, the chickens and ducks died because of lack of oxygen.

Or, she doesn't know this yet?
"Ruihuai tried it, the creature was put into the space, and it died within less than half an hour, because there was no air in it." Zhang Mingyue kindly reminded.

"Mine is probably a little different from his. It can absorb the outside air." Lu Nanqi said, the figure had already left the courtyard.

Zhang Ruihuai followed her closely, "Then how big is your space, is it different from other spaces?"

"I said I don't know." Lu Nanqi answered him impatiently, opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat.

Zhang Ruihuai climbed up to the co-pilot, "Are you sure you want to go back? The fog hasn't cleared yet, if you leave at this time, you might be in danger."

"Knowing that you will encounter danger, why do you still get in the car?"

"If you want to go back, then I will go back with you. As long as you are here, I think Danger will take a detour when I see you." Zhang Ruihuai was a little excited, and waved to Zhang Mingyue at the gate of the courtyard through the glass, "Sister, goodbye."

Lu Nanqi ignored him and drove away.

Zhang Ruihuai looked excited all the way, "I know you are recruiting members, so count me in."

(End of this chapter)

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