Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 445 Where Do You Get Your Confidence?

Chapter 445 Where Do You Get Your Confidence?
"Except for a space, what can you excel at?" Lu Nanqi drove the car with an indifferent voice.

"I..." Zhang Ruihuai racked his brains, and finally he only thought, "I think, my shooting skills are pretty good."

"You?" Lu Nanqi only felt that this was a joke, "Where did you get your confidence? Just your three-legged cat, you still have the nerve to say that you are good."

Zhang Ruihuai scratched his head in embarrassment, "It's definitely not comparable to you."

"It's enough for you to have your sister, what are you doing with me?" Lu Nanqi laughed.

It was his first time shooting, and it was a decent shot.

Not bad, not bad, but she didn't intend to take him in.

"My sister doesn't even let me touch a gun. She likes to do everything by herself. It's too annoying. I don't like that. Now is the end of the world. She won't let me do anything. If something happens to me in the future, I won't be able to do anything. , then you will have to wait to die." Zhang Ruihuai frowned in distress.

Lu Nanqi thought of Lu Li.

He also often blames her, probably with the same mentality...

"Your sister is here to protect you."

"But I have to try to grow up, she can't protect me for the rest of my life, and I, I want to protect her too." Zhang Ruihuai looked up at her with serious eyes, "Only when I become stronger can I protect my sister and the people in the village .”

Lu Nanqi pursed his lips and said nothing.


The two made it back to base, safe and sound all the way.

Those who have been transferred out have already lived in the homes they chose. When they heard the sound of their cars, some people couldn't bear to look out curiously.

Lu Nanqi also noticed that they chose high places.

Probably because they were worried that zombies would break into the house if they lived too low.

But that's good too, as the snow will pile up in the future, so they won't have to move again.

On the road, there were people patrolling with knives. Although the tide of zombies had been wiped out, the zombies had not been completely wiped out.

The task of these people is to clean up the remaining zombies as soon as possible.

Many of the residents who had moved out also spontaneously organized into groups to clean up the nearby zombies.

The outside world does not seem to be as scary as they imagined.

One night's adaptation made their hearts feel much more at ease.

This is a new beginning, their beginning, and even her Lu Nanqi's beginning.

Start a brand new life.

The car drove into the base, and just as she got out of the car, a figure ran into her head.

Lu Nanqi took a step back to avoid the hurriedly approaching figure, and at the same time, he could clearly see that it was Hezi.

There was panic in his eyes.

And she also noticed something wrong with him.

"What's the matter..." she asked.

Hezi stuffed a note into her hand, Lu Nanqi looked down, his face changed drastically, "When did it happen?"

He was writing with a notebook, Lu Nanqi slammed the car door and hurried to the villa.

Hezi handed her the notebook to read: 10 minutes ago.

The staff at the base hurriedly stopped her, "You haven't done the routine inspection, so you can't enter the base now."

In a rage, Lu Nanqi kicked the man away, "Half the people in the base are already outside, and the entire Nancheng is a base, if you have the ability, go outside to check, otherwise don't show off in front of me!"

The man was kicked on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. There was fear in his eyes, but more disobedience, "Hmph, the chief's order, don't you even dare to disobey his words!"

He was just following orders, why did he cast this kind of fire on him?

He doesn't know how powerful she is, but he knows that this matter was ordered from above, as long as he does well, the benefits will definitely be indispensable to him.

(End of this chapter)

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