Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 446 What If I Don't Cooperate?

Chapter 446 What If I Don't Cooperate?
Besides, with Huo Zhonglin around, no matter what she is, how could she possibly win Huo Zhonglin's rights.

The man quickly analyzed the pros and cons, rushed forward and hugged Lu Nanqi's foot, and shouted to the person who was working with him, "Hurry up, ask someone to stop her, no one can enter the base without completing the routine inspection." , This is the order from above, if you don't want to lose your job, come here quickly!"

Lu Nanqi laughed back angrily, "With the power of you guys, do you really think you can stop me?"

The man turned to the side and drank again, "Notify our team leader, just say someone is going to make trouble!"

"Trouble?" Lu Nanqi frowned coldly, and kicked the man's head up again. With such force, he kicked the man unconsciously, and let go on the ground weakly.

Upon closer inspection, he actually passed out.

Seeing this scene, the people next to him wanted to stop him but didn't dare, so they stood not too far away, forming a circle around Lu Nanqi.

Someone said: "Lu Nanqi, everyone is doing things according to the requirements, so don't embarrass us, just let us check that you are okay, then you can leave immediately."

"What if I don't cooperate!" Lu Nanqi said sharply.

If Huo Zhonglin wanted to make things difficult for her, he would have thousands of excuses to lock her up.

She happened to be injured today, after going in, can she come out easily?
Lu Li had just been captured, and these people tried every means to block her way.

This conspiracy was probably everything he had planned long ago.

Just waiting for her to be away one day, he took the opportunity to arrest Lu Li.

If one or two people are missing from a base, no one will notice, let alone care.

During this period of time, the base was in turmoil, so many people were as excited as before, even if hundreds of people were burned, no one would notice, let alone Lu Li alone.

This is Huo Zhonglin's chess piece, he just waited for the time to come, and then implemented it.

Pick up ready-made cheap.

"Lu Nanqi, don't make things difficult for us. If you do this again, don't blame me for being rude!" said one of the people surrounding her.

"Then come on!" Without any hesitation, Lu Nanqi immediately drew his saber to face each other.

Surrounding her are just a group of ordinary people without any supernatural powers.

She didn't even make a move, after a few moves, they were already lying on the ground miserable and screaming.

Both Hezi and Zhang Ruihuai helped.

Within 3 minutes, this group of people was dealt with by them.

Lu Nanqi rushed straight to the villa, and met a few of them at the door, all of them looked anxious, their bodies were dusty, and they seemed to have just returned.

She went up to meet him, "Do you know who took Lu Li away?"

"Before the accident, he was with Niu Weiyuan. It was said that a dozen people rushed in suddenly, and everyone had amazing abilities. As for who it was, I didn't know who it was, because the other party was wrapped tightly from head to toe." Meng Lun said .

Ming Shu was at a loss, his face turned pale because he was too worried, "Is Xiaoli going to be okay...Why did those people arrest him?"

Lu Nanqi asked, "Where's Niu Weiyuan?"

"Notify Huo Ping to go." Meng Lun said.

Lu Nanqi frowned, "Does Huo Zhonglin know about this?"

"I know, I'm meeting at the upper echelon to find a way to save Lu Li." Meng Lun said, and then asked, "Seventh Sister, do you have a guess? Who would dare to come at us?"

The cat cries and the mouse pretends to be merciful, probably referring to this kind of person.

Lu Nanqi only felt ironic, and couldn't help sneering, "Let's talk in the room."

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Meng Lun couldn't help asking again: "Do you have any clues?"

(End of this chapter)

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