Chapter 447 Xi Lingzhi

Lu Nanqi opened the door and entered the room, saying, "It's not long since Lu Li's accident happened, they must have not left the base yet, you call Wu Wenbin and Chen Xiaochen, and go to the several exits of the base to guard."

"Okay." Meng Lun said, knowing her ability, but still couldn't help worrying, and reminded before leaving, "Contact me on the walkie-talkie."

He left with the two of them, Lu Nanqi went into the house to look for Chen Xiaobao and Liao Sponge, before he could say a word, Huo Ping and his party came over in a mighty manner.

In addition to Feng Hui and those people, the entire living room was immediately filled.

"It's just in time for you to come back." Huo Ping said, "I think you should know about the matter. We are going to find Lu Li. He was just taken away. He must still be in the base. As long as he hasn't left the base, we have opportunity to find him."

It's about Lu Li, Lu Nanqi dare not be careless.

At the critical moment, she suffered from lack of manpower. At this time, she wished that she already had countless small teams in her hands to go out and find someone for her.

Knowing the importance of this matter, although she minds the father-son relationship between Huo Ping and Huo Zhonglin, now is not the time to worry about these small issues.

As long as their father and son are not on the same line, they will not pose a real threat to her.

Lu Nanqi looked at Niu Weiyuan who came together, "Think about it carefully, what are the characteristics of those people?"

"Features?" Niu Weiyuan thought about it seriously, "I don't see anything special. They are all wrapped up tightly and look very careful. Everyone seems to be well-trained and they seem to be familiar with Lu Li. Me and Lu Li. He was there, and those people recognized him immediately."

"Perhaps it was done by the people in our base." Jia Baihang concluded.

Tan Lei said bluntly, "Maybe it's nothing at all. If it wasn't someone from the base, how could it be possible to be so sure of Lu Li's identity? If you ask me, it might be the actions of the people around you."

His heart is straight, but his words are the truth.

Huo Ping frowned slightly, and after a second thought, he had a thought that made him hate it.

Lu Nanqi glanced at Huo Ping and pursed his lips.

Niu Weiyuan suddenly said, "There is an inverted triangle logo on their clothes, and a crystal nucleus is embedded in each logo. I don't know if this counts as a characteristic?"

"It's him!" Lu Nanqi could tell immediately, "Xi Lingzhi."

"Him?" Huo Ping whispered, his eyebrows furrowed further.

He knew that Xi Lingzhi was very close to his father.

If this matter has something to do with Xi Lingzhi, then his father must not be able to escape the responsibility.

The underground laboratory was just suppressed last time, and they still dare to arrest people so blatantly!

And this person is Lu Nanqi's younger brother.

To put it bluntly, it can be said that they are using their power to report their own interests.

Because Lu Nanqi ruined their good deed!

What's more, it can be said that they are cold-blooded, and even use their lives for experiments.

Others may not know who owns that underground laboratory, as smart as him, how could they not know the way of it.

Father and Xi Lingzhi had secretly prepared the experiment plan as early as the establishment of the base.

He just turned a blind eye and closed one eye, but not only did they not hold back at all, they even stretched out their demon palms longer and longer.

"Why, do you know about him?" Lu Nanqi asked intentionally.

Huo Ping shook his head honestly, "Since the last time the basement was suppressed, Xi Lingzhi seemed to have evaporated and never appeared again. There are rumors that he fell seriously ill and has been recuperating."

(End of this chapter)

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