Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 466 My chances of winning are better

Chapter 466 My chances of winning are better
She has her wishful thinking, how could Huo Zhonglin not have his own ideas.

He knows all the big relationships.

Lu Nanqi's small glance made him notice Liao Sponge who was still unconscious on the ground.

She used Huo Ping as a hostage, and he also had hostages in his hands.

"If you think about it clearly, if you shoot indiscriminately, then the person who loses his life first will definitely be him, not me." Huo Zhonglin grabbed Liao Sponge and pulled him in front of him, just like Lu Nanqi. Put the gun against his forehead.

"He and I are not related, but he," Lu Nanqi grabbed Huo Ping's hair and pressed the snatch against his chin, "he is your son, no matter how you compare the two, there is nothing wrong with him." I think I have a better chance of winning."

Huo Zhonglin gritted his teeth secretly, "I know, you won't let him go."

"From the beginning to the present, all your words are like betting, Huo Zhonglin, as the leader of the base, don't you have any other practical means other than betting with your self-righteousness? If you have the ability, take it out Strength speaks for itself." Lu Nanqi sneered, seeing Huo Zhonglin's gloomy expression made her feel more at ease.

He began to lose confidence.

This is good!
Every point of his lack of self-confidence, accumulated on her, is the winning percentage.

"Strength, if it wasn't for your brother's poisoning everyone and preventing them from using their abilities properly, do you think you still have a chance to stand here and speak?" Huo Zhonglin smiled ferociously, "If it wasn't for Huo Ping's wholehearted support for you , do you think you still have a chance to stand here and mock me now?"

His greatest weakness is this son.

She was right, Huo Ping was the last blood of the Huo family, even if he died, he would not allow anything to happen to Huo Ping.

And Huo Ping knew this very well, and even took the risk on himself.

This was what made him most angry, and it was the reason why he made up his mind to get rid of Lu Nanqi.

Huo Ping's whole mind is to keep Lu Nanqi safe, if he continues to let it go like this, it's hard to say that he will obey Lu Nanqi in the future, I'm afraid he won't listen to anything others say.

He will be blinded by her and lack real thinking.

"You're right, so I should thank your son well. It's so difficult to live, why don't I send him to heaven earlier?" The smile on the corner of Lu Nanqi's mouth became more and more intense, "Look at your son, poisoned It’s so deep, no one can save him, even the healers in the base can’t cure this poison, since he’s going to die sooner or later, why keep it?”

Seeing her index finger on the trigger, her movements became tighter and tighter, Huo Zhonglin finally couldn't maintain his composure, and shouted in a busy life, "Stop!"

Huo Ping relaxed slightly, "See, he flinched, don't put down the gun, continue to confront him, delay for more time, several times of gunshots, I think Du Bing and the others have heard the sound, as long as you Continue to delay until they come, then you will be truly safe."

He said in a low voice that Huo Zhonglin couldn't hear it at all.

The more this happened, the more hopeless Huo Zhonglin became, and the more anxious he became, "Huo Ping, shut your mouth tightly!"

So far, she can't think of any other better way, that's all she can do.

Before it was guaranteed that her rescuers would arrive in time, Huo Ping was her biggest trump card.

"Huo Zhonglin, you're scared." She sneered, provoking him deliberately.

(End of this chapter)

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