Chapter 467
In Huo Zhonglin's eyes, everything about her is inexhaustible, holding his raised son and showing off in front of him.

He finally understands the thoughts of those mother-in-laws, why they always don't want to see their daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law was born to snatch her son, how could she treat her with a good face.

He worked hard to raise Huo Ping, and Huo Ping rewarded him with betrayal.

This kind of psychology is not exactly the same as that of those mother-in-laws.

And his price was even greater, he lost his wife and lost his army.

"Lu Nanqi, what right do you have to take my son's life to be arrogant here!" Huo Zhonglin finally couldn't hold back his temper.

He raised his gun and fired several shots at them in succession, but because Huo Ping was in front of her, he was afraid of really hurting him, so he only dared to hit the bullets on the ground.

Kong has power, but it can't hurt Lu Nanqi at all.

In the end, it was just to vent his unhappiness.

Lu Nanqi's purpose was to provoke him to get angry. The louder the noise, the more people would be attracted.

No matter who gets here first, as long as they break the deadlock at the moment.

Taking advantage of Huo Zhonglin's shooting, she turned her head to look at Lu Li's situation, "How are you?"

Lu Li kept his lips tightly pressed, and his eyes were still filled with poisonous mist.

This made it impossible for her to be sure whether he was still fighting against this force at this time, because his expression looked extremely painful, as if he would not be able to hold on and collapse at any time.

"Lu Li..." She raised her voice again, "How are you doing?"

Huo Zhonglin saw the opportunity and hijacked Liao Sponge to take a few steps forward, "Lu Nanqi, did you see that your younger brother is going to die soon, if you continue to stalemate, leave him aside to fend for himself, in the end , But there is really no way to recover. If you release Huo Ping, I can assure you that I will not kill you."

The premise is that they cooperate well with all his actions and stay in the laboratory well.

Lu Nanqi turned his head, his gaze froze, and he shot at Huo Zhonglin's foot, and the precise marksmanship hit his thigh.

Huo Zhonglin groaned, staggered back a few steps, and then stabilized his body.

He didn't expect that Lu Nanqi would actually shoot.

Everyone said that if you don't look at the Buddha's face, you have to look at the monk's face, but she didn't even give Huo Ping face.

Why does Huo Ping still think about this kind of femme fatale woman?
He really couldn't understand.

Facing Lu Nanqi's ruthlessness, Huo Zhonglin only became more resentful.

He had a ferocious face, almost hateful, "You don't get in, Lu Nanqi, see clearly, everyone's death in the future is because of you!"

As he spoke, he raised the gun to Liao Sponge's head.

Anger made him murderous, he didn't think about what would happen in the future, he could only see the present.

He wants to kill people, eliminate all dangers, and remove all stumbling blocks on the road.

This wasn't like the usual Huo Zhonglin who was far-sighted, and the man in front of him was just like Lu Li before him, like a devil.

His eyes were gradually stained black with anger.

He was about to become the second Lu Li.

Lu Nanqi had long realized that something was wrong with him, not only her, but also the people around her gradually became aware of Huo Zhonglin's strangeness.

The leader in their impression is reasonable and loyal.

His original intention at the beginning was to benefit the surviving human beings.

But they found that gradually, Huo Zhonglin's thoughts had changed at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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