Chapter 469 Die

Seeing that the victory was just around the corner, a group of people suddenly flocked nearby.

Huo Zhonglin laughed, "You think I'm the only one like this? How naive."

Dozens of people rushed from all directions and surrounded them all at once. These people's shoulders all bear the symbol of the crystal nucleus.

They are all experimental products developed by Xi Lingzhi. People with abilities of the same level have much higher abilities than those with normal abilities.

Not only are they more numerous than them, but they are also more capable than any of them.

The victory that was right in front of them seemed to be covered in fog all of a sudden, and even their path was covered so that they couldn't see anything.

"There are so many people?" Tan Lei said bluntly, "This is simply prepared, just waiting for our people to come, and then kill them all."

He was just talking about the facts, and he didn't think that Huo Zhonglin was his boss, so he chose the proverbs.

Everyone is clear in their hearts, and it is precisely because they are clear that they are more difficult to be confident in their eyes.

Huo Zhonglin, why did you do this?

They understand, they just don't understand the truth.

Is it worth sacrificing so many men to catch one person?
At least in their eyes, it is cruel and worthless.

"So what if there are too many people?" Lu Li, who had been taking the opportunity to be in the poisonous fog, said suddenly. His eyes were already clear, but his face was filled with murderous intent, "Anyone who wants to kill us will have to die!"

Following his words, the poisonous mist lingering outside suddenly disappeared.

The air returned to clear, leaving only the snow falling slowly in the sky, which made people feel unusually clean and thorough.

Those people seized the opportunity and immediately attacked them.

"Die!" Lu Li yelled again indifferently. He spread his hands and lifted them up suddenly. Two clouds of poisonous mist appeared in his palms, and the supernatural powers in his body were integrated, and his palms were launched outwards.

The poisonous mist seemed to be conscious, and quickly surrounded the group of people who wanted to kill them, only attacking them specifically, instead of attacking anyone they saw.

Lu Nanqi was very relieved that Lu Li had succeeded, and what she was worried about would never happen again.

"Little goblin, go and kill them all." She gave an order relentlessly.

Huo Ping grabbed her hand, "No, don't kill me."

There were already enough sacrifices, the effort he made was just to alleviate the killing and alleviate his father's mistakes. Similarly, he didn't want her to be like his father, full of killing.

Lu Nanqi said: "See, these people have something made of a crystal nucleus on their arms. They are Xi Lingzhi's experimental products, and they are Xi Lingzhi's dead soldiers. They are specially controlled to complete tasks for him. Their purpose is to catch me and Lu Li. Their thoughts are beyond their control. After Xi Lingzhi dies, their bodies will be activated silently. Unless they die, they will only think about completing the task for the rest of their lives. "

"But I believe that there must be a way to save them." Huo Ping said: "They are my brothers, and I can't just watch them become such people."

Lu Nanqi pursed her lips.

Huo Ping said: "Just pay back the favor I just gave you."

Lu Nanqi looked at him deeply, remained silent for a long time, and finally let go, "I owe you, I will pay back. See you next time, they are enemies."

"Don't worry, I will settle all this before you see them again next time." Huo Ping promised.

(End of this chapter)

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