Chapter 470 Crisis Resolved
Lu Nanqi turned his head and shouted to the little goblin, "Don't hurt anyone, let's make a quick decision."

The little goblin "meowed": Huo is not a good person, why sell his son's face? If you want me to say, these people should be killed to avoid future troubles.

Lu Nanqi said: One yard is worth one yard. It is a fact that Huo Ping helped me. If I return the favor, I will not owe him any more. When we meet again, it is easy to talk about whether it is an enemy or a friend.

The little goblin led a group of people and ran quickly around those people: You woman is so strange, this is the end of the world, why do you still speak morally, others may not accept it.

Lu Nanqi raised his hand, made a gesture of retreating towards his own people, and then covered his mouth and nose tightly: morality is for himself, and without the most basic principles of life, what is a human being?

Everyone has fought against Lu Nanqi many times, and they have already cooperated tacitly. They understand every move she makes, and because they believe in her, when she raises her hand to signal, she backs up and covers her mouth and nose , and they followed suit without a doubt.

The little goblin vaguely understands: like these people?
By the time those people realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

The goblin led the other clansmen to shuttle back and forth among them, and soon, each of those people became wobbly, and then fell to the ground.

So many people fell to the ground at the speed of light.

They didn't pass out completely, and they were still conscious, but they were so weak that they couldn't move at all, lying on the ground like a bunch of vegetative people.

Can't even move, let alone activate any abilities.

The crisis was completely resolved, and Lu Nanqi was also completely relieved.

All the forbearance was loosened at this moment, and her body immediately fell to the ground.

Hezi caught her silently and looked into her eyes with a hidden worry.

I can't wait for all these injuries to be replaced by him.

Huo Ping was not much better, sitting weakly on the ground beside her, with one hand tightly covering his chest.

"Lu Li, heal your sister first." He said, calmed down for a while, and saw that Lu Li had come over, then got up again and went to Huo Zhonglin's side.

Although Huo Zhonglin was also poisoned, but because he didn't have supernatural powers, he didn't exercise his physical strength as high as Huo Ping, but he was not injured as hard as Huo Ping.

If it wasn't for his anger that aroused the poison in his body, the poison in him might be lighter than it is now.

The only thing that inconvenienced him was the gunshot wound on his foot.

Lu Nanqi stopped Lu Li from healing, "You treat the sponge first."

This time it was completely deadlocked, they didn't need to stay at the base anymore, if they could leave, they left before Huo Zhonglin could make trouble.

And along the way, Liao Sponge's spiritual powers are needed to escort him.

Her injury is secondary, and the next thing is more serious.

Liao Sponge has been in a coma, and the poison is the lightest among them.

After Lu Li treated him, he went to Huo Ping's side, and used the remaining energy to treat Huo Ping.

Huo Zhonglin stayed here, and it was not easy to be emotionally stable. Huo Ping immediately asked Tan Lei and the others to take these people, Huo Zhonglin and these people, to the infirmary. Still seriously injured.

He hurriedly stopped Lu Li and frowned, "Didn't I ask you to heal her!"

"My sister said that you were injured because of her, so I should save you first." Lu Li said, "Don't delay, while we are still here, treat you first. Go, even if you want me to treat you, that is impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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