Chapter 471 Leaving the Base
"You want to leave?" Huo Ping pursed his lips.

But then I thought about it and felt that it made sense.

With her temperament, it is absolutely impossible for her to be complacent and stay here when she encounters such a thing today.

Knowing that the danger is still there, I am afraid that there will be no such person.

It's fine if he leaves, his father won't concentrate on research anymore.

"If you don't leave, why don't you stay here and wait to die?" Lu Li had a prejudice against Huo Zhonglin. Even though Huo Ping helped them, thinking about what Huo Zhonglin did, he became angry.

If it wasn't for Lu Nanqi's order, he wouldn't even be willing to rescue Huo Ping.

People surnamed Huo who use power for personal gain are not good people.

"Let's go." Huo Ping seemed to sigh with emotion, "When will we go?"

"Immediately." Lu Li said, holding back.

Only half of the toxins in Huo Ping's body were removed, and the wound on his arm was also healed.

There is no way, his abilities are also exhausted, no matter how hard he tries to heal him thoroughly, there is nothing he can do.

Huo Ping frowned so much that they almost glued together, he walked to Lu Nanqi's side, "You are in such a body, why leave immediately?"

When the rest of the people around heard what he said, they also gathered around.

"You want to go?" Chen Xiaochen was the most excited, "But you are so seriously injured, and you are in such a hurry to go, where can you go? There is snow everywhere, this kind of weather is not suitable for going on the road at all."

What worried him the most was her body.

She was injured too badly, her lips were black, but her face was pale, lifeless, like a dying person.

Holding her Hezi, he also locked his eyes on her tightly, waiting nervously and expectantly for her answer.

"Let's go, let's go right away." Ming Shu held Lu Nanqi's hand tightly, his eyes were full of hatred, and he tried to hold back, so as not to let the hatred in his heart and the tears in his eyes flow down, "It doesn't matter where you go. Okay, let's go right away, the world is so big, I don't believe there is no place for us to live!"

Why do they keep such a base!

What's the use of greatness, the darkness of people's hearts will sooner or later be wiped out.

What's wrong with her children, these people want to kill them one by one!
Even if there are [-] levels of hell outside, they would rather go out if they want to break through with flesh and blood.

I'd rather break out a piece of heaven and earth in the [-]th level of hell than stay here and be hurt by ruthless people!
She always thinks that people's hearts are always good no matter what. After all, she is too naive, thinking that if she treats her sincerely, she will get back her sincere heart.

But, how much did her daughter pay more for their utter devotion, and in the end?

Not everyone thinks this way. The last days have already made many people lose their minds.

Huo Zhonglin, an old fox, couldn't get enough to feed.

"If you want to leave with me, go back and pack your luggage, and gather at the gate of the base in 15 minutes." Lu Nanqi ordered to go down, with a slight smile on his lips.

Although she was seriously injured this time, at least it made her mother see the reality clearly, and not everything is bad.

It's just that the price is heavy.

Knowing that she was serious, the others didn't dare to waste any more time, and hurriedly went back to clean up.

"Come on, let's go back to the villa." Lu Nanqi said again.

He Zi hurriedly picked her up, but she didn't refuse.

At this time, whoever takes her back is fine, in short, she is so tired that she doesn't want to move anymore.

Even though they had to leave, the people on Huo Zhonglin's side couldn't move, but they still didn't dare to be careless. They raised their vigilance along the way to make sure that no one was around and that no one could do her any harm.

(End of this chapter)

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