Chapter 472 Will it come back?

Everything was tidied up quickly, time was pressing, and they didn't dare to waste any more time, once they were done tidying up, they rushed to Lu Nanqi's villa on their own and waited for her first.

Lu Nanqi was covered in injuries, and it was difficult to move. It was really not wise to leave with such a body.

I'm afraid that if I haven't arrived at Zhang Mingyue's place, I'm going to lose my hair.

When she returned to the villa, she asked Hezi to carry her into the house.

As soon as Hezi left, she locked the door tightly, stepped into the space, staggered a few steps, and entered the hot spring.

The whole person buried his head in the water.

The comfortable warmth enveloped her whole body.

Lu Nanqi sighed in his heart, feeling that the depths of his soul had been relieved, his spirit had eased a lot, and the pain that had been piercing his bones was finally relieved.

It's just that the time is too short, ten minutes is not enough for her to clean up half of the poison in her body.

Lu Lisan's poison was widespread, and she was always close to him. With the operation of supernatural powers, the poison on her body would only be worse than Huo Ping's.

It can't be solved completely, but now, it can only be eased as much as possible.

When there was a knock on the door, she was still in the space, changing into clean clothes.

Huo Ping's voice sounded outside, "Qiqi, it's me."

Lu Nanqi changed his clothes, stepped out of the space, and opened the door.

Huo Ping stood at the door, not in a hurry to enter the room. He scanned her from top to bottom with his eyes, and then handed her a bottle of medicine in his hand, "It's for pain relief, maybe you can use it."

"I'm much better now, you can keep it for yourself, when you get out of the base and hit the zombies, Lu Li can heal me." Lu Nanqi didn't answer, but took out two bottles of mineral water from the space and gave him, " Your poison has not been completely removed, the level of healers in the base is too low, and they can't cure Lu Li's poison, you should save this water, it will help your body."

Huo Ping picked it up, and then asked, "Leave right away?"

"Taking advantage of the early weather, we can't delay any longer." Lu Nanqi said, not caring about Huo Ping watching, turned around and slowly put his own things in the room into the space one by one, with a hesitant tone, he continued Said: "During this time, thank you for your care."

Those are trivial matters, and to him, they are just a matter of little effort, not worth mentioning at all.

He was still standing at the door, leaning slightly against the door, "Is there a chance to come back?"

"Let's not go back. Stay wherever is suitable for your life. Now it is no different than before the end of the world. It will take several days to go to a place a little farther away. The journey is far away, so why come back?" Lu Nanqi said.

Zhang Ruihuai's home is not far from the base.

It's just that she's used to not saying anything, and facing Huo Ping again, she's even more unwilling to tell more in her heart.

It would be good to take this opportunity to let him stop thinking about her.

Huo Ping was silent for a moment, then suddenly stepped forward and gave her a gentle hug, "Bon voyage."

I hope that after leaving the base, she will not have any hardships.

Lu Nanqi was stunned for a moment, then gently hugged him back, "Well, take care too."

The two of them went downstairs together. There were a bunch of people standing downstairs, they had already packed up, and they could leave at any time when Lu Nanqi came down.

Seeing that Huo Ping was there, everyone stared blankly at the two of them.

Lu Nanqi was leaving, what would happen to Huo Ping, everyone was curious about his reaction.

A pair of people who love each other are facing the separation of life and death. After this separation, they don't know that they will meet again in the year of the monkey.

(End of this chapter)

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