Chapter 473

To be more cruel, perhaps it is to separate the two places and never see each other again in a lifetime.

In ancient times, every soldier had to face the mood when going to the battlefield before leaving home, probably like this.

There are many crises, and a farewell may be a farewell.

They were all thinking that Huo Ping would say all kinds of things and beg Lu Nanqi to stay.

Because Huo Ping's liking for Lu Nanqi has never been concealed.

He is such a person, like is like, direct and enthusiastic.

But the attitude he showed was too calm, and the calmness surprised them all.

Even they couldn't help but want to persuade them to stay. Although it was dangerous, after Huo Zhonglin woke up, he would still face all kinds of dangers, but they could assure Lu Nanqi that they would keep an eye on Huo Zhonglin and not let him mess around again.

What's more, Huo Ping was there.

This time there was no warning, so Xi Lingzhi and Huo Zhonglin took advantage of the loopholes, but with this experience, what Huo Zhonglin wants to do next time will not be so easy.

Without Lu Nanqi, they would be much more boring.

They thought of many words to keep her, but in the end they all tacitly felt that no matter what they said, they couldn't stand up to Huo Ping's words.

So, they chose to keep their mouths shut, and waited for Huo Ping to resolve this matter, and wait for Huo Ping to keep them.

But... the real situation was completely different from what they had imagined.

Not only did Huo Ping not try to persuade them to stay, he even came to silently send them away.

The two came down from upstairs one after the other, and when they got out, Feng Hui grabbed Huo Ping, "What's the matter with you, just let her leave like this?"

"It's safer for her to leave here than to stay," Hopping said.

This alone is enough.

Instead of leaving her to face all kinds of dangers, it is better to let her go.

It doesn't have to be forced to stay with you if you like her. As long as she is good, everything is good.

Although he is usually a bit domineering, he always feels that she is his own.

It's just out of selfishness to let others see his attitude clearly and make other men shy away from her.

But it doesn't mean that he will lose his mind on her.

"But have you ever thought that after this separation, you may never have the chance to see each other again." Feng Hui said, "You won't know where she is, let alone how she's doing, or even what she will do in the future." If you are injured outside, you don't know anything, even if you know, you are on the same side, and you are powerless."

It doesn't feel good to be apart, he has experienced it deeply.

When Huo Si had just passed away, he dreamed of her every night, living in the dream and unwilling to wake up.

Missing someone is not a good feeling.

He is because Huo Si is no longer there, and no effort can be made to recover.

But Huo Ping was different, Lu Nanqi was still alive, since he had an opportunity, he shouldn't give up lightly.

"Even if she is by my side, what can I do?" Huo Ping said in a low voice.

His strength can't deal with those strengths for the time being, and he can't really protect her, so what right does he have to forcefully keep her by his side.

Feng Hui frowned deeply, anxious for him, "This is not something you would say."

"We won't see each other again," Hopin said. "The reunion won't be too long."

And during this time, he will also be strong.

Strong enough to be able to say to her one day, stay by your side.

Feng Hui was taken aback, and said with a smile: "You boy, did you already have other thoughts in your mind at the beginning, huh, I didn't say it earlier, I was in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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