Chapter 474 It's Better To Go With You
Huo Ping had other ideas, but that was not a wise move.

Even if Feng Hui knew, he must be equally anxious.

Now that you already know that the ending cannot be changed, you might as well not say it.


A group of people went out in a mighty way. Recently, there were a lot of people leaving the base. When everyone knew that it was safe outside, more people moved out voluntarily.

A group of them left together, and everyone thought that they were also going to move out.

In addition, with Huo Ping leading the way in front of him, no one else suspected anything at all.

At the gate of the base, Lu Nanqi saw Mu He, Wu Wenbin and Hezi.

Each of them was carrying a simple backpack, and when they saw Lu Nanqi approaching, they came face to face.

Mu He took the lead and said: "The base without you is so boring, let's go together, okay?"

"Leaving here is all voluntary, I don't force anyone, so whether you want to leave or not, I hope you still think about it carefully. If you leave this gate, you may never come back in the future." Lu Nanqi said bluntly .

"I'm your senior. If you're not here, I don't think I'll have a good time in this base. It's better to stay with you." Mu He said, and got into the car first, "One more, you There’s nothing wrong with being more than one helper.”

Hezi came to her with the notebook he had written long ago, and there were only two words: follow you.

Wu Wenbin also anxiously expressed his state of mind, "I have nowhere to go, so why not go with you, I am the most, and I can be regarded as half a helper."

Lu Nanqi didn't say not to bring them, but Hezi's following surprised her a little.

But when I think about it, I feel that everything is normal.

He was wholeheartedly for her, and he was clearly helping her, so there was really no reason not to go with her.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is that she still hasn't figured out what his intention of helping is.

This was the real reason for her hesitation.

"You want to come with me too, are you sure?" she asked again.

Hezi nodded hurriedly, took a pen and wrote a few words on the paper, and then handed it to her: leave, together!
His words are sonorous and powerful, representing his determination.

Lu Nanqi nodded silently, as she agreed, she turned her head to look at Chen Xiaochen again, "What about you, are you ready too?"

After all, he is also a soldier, how many of his brothers are there in this base.

At least, Du Bing was among the people she knew.

They were born and died.

She chose to go with her today, she just wanted him to think carefully, so as not to regret after leaving.

Although Chen Xiaochen was reluctant, he smiled, "Everyone of them is so powerful, even without me, the base will still operate, I am just a nobody, whether I stay here or choose to leave, it will not cause any harm It is too big of a problem, so I decided to follow the most authentic choice in my heart."

Huo Zhonglin was his chief, but that was only in the past.

Now, he is no longer.

The matter of Lu Nanqi sounded a big alarm for Chen Xiaochen.

If one day Chen Xiaobao's prophetic ability is also known to Huo Zhonglin, will he also arrest Chen Xiaobao?
Xi Lingzhi, who knew Chen Xiaobao's secret, was dead.

If they didn't take the opportunity to leave with Lu Nanqi at this time, wouldn't they have to wait until the day when Chen Xiaobao was actually caught before thinking about escaping?

In short, he was afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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