Chapter 478

"I'm not afraid, I'm not thinking of you, and you don't look at your current physical condition, how to deal with plant monsters..." Zhang Ruihuai chattered.

He really cared about her, but Lu Nanqi didn't have the patience to listen to his nagging so much. Seeing that he was disobedient, he sternly shouted, "Are you going to stop or not!"

Zhang Ruihuai was intimidated, shrank his head, and immediately stepped on the brakes, "I'll stop and stop, I'll stop now, don't be aggressive, just talk if you have something to say."

As soon as he stopped, Lu Nanqi immediately opened the car door and got out.

"Hey, at the very least, you have to tell me what you want to do when you get off the car here, right?" Zhao Ruibai also followed, chasing after her, with an anxious expression on his face.

Lu Nanqi said: "You stay here, I will come back as soon as I go."

The two cars behind also stopped, and Meng Lun and Mu He also got out of the car to stop her.

She had no choice but to explain to them patiently, "There is no danger here. I'll go get some crystal nuclei and I'll be back soon. You guys wait here."

Can the crystal nucleus still be taken?
She used these words to deceive a three-year-old child, and the child probably wouldn't believe it.

"Since there is no danger, we won't hinder you from getting the crystal nucleus if we follow, will we?" Meng Lun said, "Besides, there are sponges guarding here, so it's safer than the place you're going to."

Mu He agreed, "That's right, if you want to go, everyone should go together, otherwise don't go at all."

Lu Nanqi frowned, "It's up to you."

She originally didn't want them to know about it, but she didn't know it now, and in a few days when all the mutated plants attacked humans, they would still know about it.

Well, let them see it.

Anyway, they are all on the same boat now, and they wouldn't talk nonsense if they thought about it, and besides, there are only so many people outside, so they have no place to talk even if they want to.

Thinking of this, the slight frown between her brows gradually relaxed.

The garden doesn't look very big, but it's intricate inside, with vines entangled everywhere.

As soon as they walked in, the road behind them was entangled with vines, and there was no way to retreat.

"Be careful." Zhang Ruihuai raised his heart in his throat, afraid that these vines would suddenly go crazy and attack them. They were surrounded by vines at this moment. Thinking about the dead elephant, they would probably die without even bones left. Down.

Lu Nanqi kept walking towards the middle of the garden, and didn't stop until there was no way to go in any direction.

"Now, what are we going to do? You said to get the crystal nucleus, where can I get it?" Zhang Ruihuai was beside her, poking his head out from behind her on her shoulder, and said softly.

Lu Nanqi squatted down, slowly put one hand on a thick vine on the ground, and then slowly closed his eyes.

The surrounding vines seemed to move the moment she closed her eyes...

Zhang Ruihuai shrank back in fright, subconsciously, his hands made a fighting posture.

But those vines just shook like this, and became quiet. As Lu Nanqi closed his eyes longer and longer, those vines gradually began to sway again.

The nearby vines even slowly entangled Lu Nanqi's body, and the movements were surprisingly soft and delicate. The vines entwined on the trees also slowly slid down, and some even tentatively stretched out their branches towards Zhang Ruihuai, Mu He and on Meng Lun.

Zhang Ruihuai subconsciously tried to escape.

Lu Nanqi reminded, "Don't hide, relax and let them feel you."

(End of this chapter)

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