Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 479 She Actually Protected These Vine

Chapter 479 She Actually Protected These Vine

Zhang Ruihuai was startled, and looked at her in surprise, she didn't even open her eyes, how did she know he was hiding?

He froze for a moment, forgot to put down the foot that was about to step back, his funny appearance was like a golden rooster standing alone.

The three men were silent for a while, only feeling that there were more and more vines wrapped around their bodies, but Lu Nanqi still didn't see any action.

Although these vines didn't have any malice towards them, it couldn't be said that they wouldn't suddenly go berserk and kill them later.

It is necessary to be defensive, and it is better to be careful.

What's more, they are all people who have seen the power of plant monsters.

Zhang Ruihuai couldn't bear his curiosity, and asked again: "What are you doing? Are these vines really not going to harm us?"

When he was speaking, his posture was unstable, and the golden rooster finally couldn't maintain it independently. He swayed a few times, and his feet were pulled by Tenghu, and he fell directly to the ground.

The dead leaves all over the ground were blown up by him, and the vines felt the shock, and the timid ones immediately retracted them all.

"It hurts me to death..." Zhang Ruihuai wailed on the ground, clutching his hurt buttocks, and was about to get up.

"Don't move." Lu Nanqi warned again, frowning, "You scared them."

"Me?" Zhang Ruihuai pointed at his nose, looking innocent.

Whether they scare him or not, no matter how you look at him, he looks more like the weaker side.

She actually guards these vines?

Lu Nanqi pursed his lips, and Zhang Ruihuai wanted to speak, but Meng Lun grabbed his arm and shook his head silently.

Zhang Ruihuai saw that Lu Nanqi really had something to do, so he moved his lips, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Forget it, business matters.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in the garden, and the vines that were quiet around suddenly flew up.

The world in front of me turned into an oasis, even the sky was hidden, and the vines soared into the sky, one after another, they went straight up, forming countless green waterfalls.

In their shocked eyes, those vines and the snow in the air fell straight down again, and then retracted back to the ground at a galloping speed. The surrounding vines were disappearing rapidly at a speed of lightning and flint.

Only Lu Nanqi's hand resting on the vine on the ground was left, faintly emitting a green light.

This ray of light is also rapidly shining and expanding with the power of the speed of light, and soon surrounds several of their figures.

The light was cool and soft, full of warmth.

They felt the power of that positive energy.

At this point, it is really certain that these energy-filled vines will really not pose any danger to them.

It's just...what makes them so cute?

They were still surprised when the surrounding scenery changed again.

The forest that had been silent before suddenly erupted into another riot.

Those vines that had already retracted rose into the air again, and this time the ground shook even more violently.

It was like the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and I would be willing to shake them all into the air.

The three men staggered, and they all grabbed the vines next to them to barely stabilize their feet.

Lu Nanqi clenched his hands on the thick vine on the ground, his expression suddenly showing sadness.

"What, what's the matter..." Zhang Ruihuai's face was disturbed.

Even Mu He and Meng Lun next to them couldn't help being shocked when they saw such a scene.

But the shock of the two of them was in shock.

Because they saw that the top of each vine that rushed out again had a crystal nucleus.

(End of this chapter)

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