Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 480 Sacrifice is for fewer deaths in the future

Chapter 480 Sacrifice is for fewer deaths in the future
They are the same color, crystal green, faintly scattered light.

Those vines flew up and twirled in the air, as if they were making a last-minute leap of life. After one lap, they all rushed towards Lu Nanqi.

The people who were staying in the car couldn't help getting out of the car when they saw the vines suddenly soaring in the garden, and ran towards them one after another.

Hurrying to come, what I saw was this scene.

Those vines with crystal nuclei at the top slowly curled up around Lu Nanqi's body, and the moment the crystal nuclei touched her body, all the energy was poured into her body.

The crystal nucleus is getting smaller and smaller, and the vines are also getting smaller and smaller. Those lush vines are failing at a speed visible to the naked eye...

When the crystal nuclei disappeared, those vines withered completely, lost their life, and fell to the ground like stems and branches that had been blown by the wind and sun for a long time, without the shining sun before.

And Lu Nanqi's expression became better and better as the vines disappeared.

They were shocked, and finally realized that she was talking about taking the crystal nucleus, so it was true.

These vines are willing to give their lives for her!
The group of people who came behind were already stunned and dumbfounded, their eyes filled with astonishment and disbelief.

Lu Nanqi kept his eyes closed, his lips tightly pressed, and his face was calm.

It's just that her shoulders trembling slightly suddenly betrayed her thoughts.

All these lost lives ended because of her.

They're innocent and beautiful, but that's where it ends... in her hands.

A vine was pulled out of her body, and the moment life disappeared, it gently stroked her cheek, and then slid down with the wind.

Lu Nanqi suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed the falling vine, his eyes flashed, and a tear fell from his red eyes.

"I know that your sacrifice is for more partners in the future..." She murmured, and her figure trembled again, "I will definitely live up to your expectations..."

The garden takes her as the center point and forms a circle, which is rapidly withering and spreading out.

Snow is falling in the sky, and the wind is blowing all around... Accompany them and witness this great funeral together.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Ruihuai couldn't help but get red eyes.

They have life. Although the end of the world has brought disasters to mankind, it has also brought life to these cuties.

With so many lives, they give as they say, without hesitation, without complaint or regret...

He didn't know what to use to evaluate the shock in his heart at this moment, he only felt that they were noble and beautiful.

Purer and cleaner than anyone else's heart!

Their sacrifice is something that the countless surviving humans cannot do.

Why can other creatures quickly become powerful in the last days, but human beings can't.

He seems to be able to understand the truth of this.

If one day human beings can do this, it will usher in real peace.

Sacrifice is for less death later.


When Lu Nanqi's hand was removed from the vine, the vine completely lost its life, leaving only a gray and dry branch on the ground.

The vines on her body also fell to her side, dry and stiff like firewood, stacked high around her, forming a circle.

Lu Nanqi lowered his head slightly, sat on the ground for a while, and then slowly straightened up, standing up from the dry vines.

"Let's go." She said, stepped out of these dry vines, and left first.

It can be said that she didn't turn her head back, and she was not as indifferent as she was just now.

(End of this chapter)

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