Chapter 508

Huo Ping said: "It was a misunderstanding. They came here just to find someone, and they left when they found them."

"Looking for someone?" Tan Lei pointed at Zhang Mingyue, "Since she is looking for someone, why is she covered in injuries?"

After asking, I felt like I was questioning someone, so I smiled hurriedly, "I'm straightforward, I don't mean anything else..."

"There are many dead plants and mutated plants hidden in the stagnant water. On the way here, she was injured by those plants." Lu Nanqi explained: "We came to find her brother, and we will leave as soon as we find it. It won't hinder you in anything. "

Huo Ping followed: "Her younger brother is called Zhang Ruihuai. You guys should go back to the base and check the information to see which district Zhang Ruihuai lives in."

"Zhang Ruihuai? Isn't that the one we rescued two days ago?" Jia Bai Hangdao, seeing several people looking at each other, obviously didn't remember, and said: "Two days ago, we rescued an injured teenager at the gate of the base. , his name is Zhang Ruihuai, you forgot."

"It's that kid?" Tan Lei was stunned, "But hasn't he already left?"

"What did you leave? I have been secretly hiding in Seventh Sister's villa. During the day, I saw him wandering around in the base." Jia Baihang said, "At that time, I was still wondering if he might be the one we wanted. The person I was looking for was actually Seventh Sister's."

Lu Nanqi glanced at Jia Baihang, and responded casually, "Well, I'll ask him to come over and get me something."

"It would be easier if he was there." Huo Ping said bluntly, "Go and help me bring him out."

"I'm afraid it's difficult to handle..." Jia Baihang said solemnly, "Because during the day, I have already reported this matter to the chief, as long as he takes any action, he will be caught immediately."

The atmosphere became cold because of his words.

He actually did things behind Huo Ping's back.

Although it is a trivial matter, everyone has always been used to talking to Huo Ping and discussing with Huo Ping.

On the surface, Huo Zhonglin was in charge of the base, but secretly, there were many people on Huo Ping's side.

They supported Huo Ping, which directly showed that they were serious about Huo Zhonglin.

Jia Baihang didn't tell them anything, but reported the matter directly to Huo Zhonglin. Everyone can imagine what this means.

Although...he has always been very prudent and thoughtful in his work, but it is inevitable that he will make people think too much.

For a moment, the way everyone looked at him suddenly changed.

Zhang Mingyue stood up with the support of Lu Nanqi's body. When he heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and he rushed to Jia Baihang and grabbed him by the collar, "He is just a child, what can he do to you? Dangerous, worth dealing with him like this!"

She was not calm at all, thinking that Zhang Ruihuai might have been caught at this time, ignoring the injuries on her body, she insisted on rushing into the base.

Lu Nanqi grabbed her, "Don't be impulsive, I will solve this matter for you."

The person they were talking about probably had something to do with her.

Zhang Ruihuai didn't want to stay anywhere, but he wanted to stay in the villa where she lived.

That place was close to where they lived.

No wonder Jia Baihang was suspicious.

Just reporting to Huo Zhonglin... This matter changed a bit.

But this is their own problem among the few of them.

"Since the person impersonating me has wood-type abilities, it can't be Zhang Ruihuai, because he is also a space-type person like me." Lu Nanqi said, "If you trust me, please send him safely for me. over here."

(End of this chapter)

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